Lifan 138cc Engine - Clutch Slipping?

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New Member
Aug 14, 2008
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Hey guys, Can anyone give some advice regarding possible clutch slippage on a new Lifan 138cc engine (t/mission 1down/3up 1N234). Fitted in an Orion 38 ProX. Running Castrol 4T engine oil. Seems to be getting worse. What appears to be clutch slip is somewhat violent enough under power you would think you are about to rip the gearbox apart. Now 'slipping/clunking' in 2nd under pull power. I am consider pulling the RH cover off to check out the clutch pack. Wondering if it is simply an oil problem or the clutch is gone?
you d$@#khead he wantd to know wat his problem was

wen i puut car oil in my motor the clutch kept slipping so maybe try changing ur oil
you d$@#khead he wantd to know wat his problem was

wen i puut car oil in my motor the clutch kept slipping so maybe try changing ur oil

no need to call me a ******** u ass lick and u dont know anything for starters,
how far is your clutch cable ajusted? it mite be ajusted that much that its slipping .. bak the cable of a bit and see how it goes
Is it Castrol 4T or Castrol Activ4, Activ4 is bike oil for wet clutch, car oil not designed for clutches
yes i would try some mineral oil, never missed a beat in my bikes, and i have heard too that some oils make your clutch slip, otherwise try the adjustment like someone else has said,

if both of those fail i have some new hd clutch springs, left out of a build i was going to do but never got round too, that should fix the problem but they do make your clutch slightly harder to pull in. asking $30 plus 5 postage

also can we please all just get along theres no need for any name calling or pointing the finger at who knows the most or nothing at all. we are all after the same thing here a fix to the problem and to ramp up this sport.
Thanks guys for your replies. The bike was sold as having a Lifan 138cc engine - if it ain't I have no idea what it is.

1st gear ratio is quite low and the engine pulls hard so I figure the two added together is asking alot of a cheap clutch assembly. The oil I am using is Castrol Activ 4T which is supposed to be engineered for wet clutches. The clutch cable has as as much play as I can adjust - I will modify the adjustment to give it some more (clutch cable conduit is too short, but managed to give the cable has some slack).

Maybe the heavier springs is what is required, but will change oil again, and then maybe pull it apart to try and locate the problem.

Does anyone else use Castrol Activ 4T?
Ive never had anything but trouble with castrol. I run silkolene 10/40 synthetic and it works a treat
i use Castrol Activ4 in my prox250 for the past 3 oil changes, no probs

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