im not stupid anymore i had my time doing that its the idiots riding bikes that freak me out the other day some ******** came up the left side of me inside the m5 tunnell when i was in the left lane he is lucky i didnt flinch otherwise he would just be the latest ******** to die on a bike maybe if bikers stuck to the rules it wouldnt be risky when you clock up a thousand or so kays a week you will understand many guys on bikes have almost ended up under my wheels because they think they own the road all im saying is i dont want to meet the judge again because of some prick on a bike and they think they can argue with a couple tonnes of van id barley feel them go under the wheels maybe you should think about what you are saying before you say it and show a litte respect for the road users and find out what the **** you are talking about before you have a go