metric feeler gauges

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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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hey guys i have a set of feeler gauges but it has no .003 or .004thou isn't that imperial mine are metric it goes from 0.05mm to 0.50mm what would i use for my valve clearances or should i just buy an imperial set and throw my metric one down the bottom of my tool box
Mine don't have .003 or .004

Mine are pretty much whole numbers in thou. So i use the 3 and 4 thou gauges.

Best to get an expert to confirm.

You could also do a conversion.
so if i used the 0.05mm for intake and 0.10mm for exhaust would that be ok?

or am i better of getting another set?

If you can get another set.
or do the inlet a loose fit at 0.05mm or even do it at 0.10mm with a tight fit and do the exhaust at 0.10mmm with a slight loose fit.

If you are going hard or running it in Id be doing 0.10 on the inlet and the next size up on the exhaust, gives it room to loose cleance and it will be on the safe side of things.
barnsed09 thanks heaps for that mate legendary stuff!!! =p

and thanks for the quick replies !!!

i think ill just buy another set are they very pricey or cheap?
You can get a set from Bunnings the right ones for $7.50 i think it was and they work pretty well as well.
cheap is all you really need if your only going to use them for your mini and nothing else

right? and how often should you do your valve clearances i'm thinking ill just check em

every time i drop my oil or is there no point would i be waisting my time
Its good to just do it i would do it maybe every second ride just because i like working on my bikes and only takes 15 minutes to do and it gives you that piece of mind if something goes wrong you can rule it out of the problem. But generally i think normal people would do it every service (Oil change, clean filter & oil it, loctite, tighten everything grease stuff up)
Its good to just do it i would do it maybe every second ride just because i like working on my bikes and only takes 15 minutes to do and it gives you that piece of mind if something goes wrong you can rule it out of the problem. But generally i think normal people would do it every service (Oil change, clean filter & oil it, loctite, tighten everything grease stuff up)

ok cool thanks mate very helpful its great that there is tons of people on here that just want to help noobs like me

top blokes the lot 'o' ya
and how often should you do your valve clearances i'm thinking ill just check em

every time i drop my oil or is there no point would i be waisting my time

I'd check em when ya drop your oil since you'll lose a bit of oil when you check them, bit cleaner :p
However I change oil about every 3 rides.

Also make sure you check them properly. Main thing to be careful of is that the flywheel is at the correct Top Dead Centre (there are 2 - you wanna turn the flywheel to TDC so that the rocker arms/valves DON'T move when you twist the flywheel).
Its good to just do it i would do it maybe every second ride just because i like working on my bikes and only takes 15 minutes to do and it gives you that piece of mind if something goes wrong you can rule it out of the problem. But generally i think normal people would do it every service (Oil change, clean filter & oil it, loctite, tighten everything grease stuff up)

i always clean my air filter and change oil but in 3 years iv neva cheeked valve clearence
I'd check em when ya drop your oil since you'll lose a bit of oil when you check them, bit cleaner :p
However I change oil about every 3 rides.

Also make sure you check them properly. Main thing to be careful of is that the flywheel is at the correct Top Dead Centre (there are 2 - you wanna turn the flywheel to TDC so that the rocker arms/valves DON'T move when you twist the flywheel).

yeah thanks mate i know that i've read thump140's thread on how to do your clearances like five times lol jus so i don **** things up :p

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