Mini Motard at Archerfield (Pitpro 140)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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General footage from Archerfield on the 11 August. Minimotard at the beginning.

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sick as is that at archerfield in qld?

Yep Archerfield, Brisbane. Sorry Thumpy can't please everyone.
good vid i enjoyed it
but i do find the subject IE motard raceing a little dull
as a spectator

but as i have never riden a motard or race 1 i cant really say if it was boreing it looked like fun for the riders but dull for watching

mind you the lil fella on the pockets were ok
hey can you drop me some info on raceing out there

motard style as im thinking of starting this up

IE: can you use a chiny bike there {my agb29 }set up for motard

do i need full leathers ?
can i use my mx helmet?
how much does it cost to join up {and race on race day}?
any info would be great it really looks like fun for the riders

and can you use a modded bike
IE: bike with go fast bits {or does the motor have to be stock for it's class}

Full leathers - no
MX helmet - fine, need goggles
$20 on Saturday practice and I think $30/$35 ish for racing

As far as rules:


Lol, just come out tomorrow morning and have a ride. You can even use knobby tyres if you don't have motard ones. I sent this as a pm too.
exelent squeeby

i sent you a pm but unshure if you'll get in time for tomorrow

but if not no worries i'll talk to ya soon mate and hopefully be dusting ya on the track real soon lol

they sure do..

every saturday and every second sunday :)
they got the final round of the 2009 aussie titles there in early september.
they sure do..

every saturday and every second sunday :)

how much is it etc?
do you have to signup or can you just rock up whenever?
and what do you need ie safety gear? and do you needs motard tyres?
its $20 for Saturdays.
Safety gear: Jumper/jacket, Jeans/moto pants, Helmet, Goggles, Gloves, Shoes.
Tyres: You can rock up with dirt tyres if you wish.

Come about 9:00am in the morning to get a maximum amount of runs, it all goes on by how many classes turn up. Like junior and senior pocket bikes, go karts and motard,

Runs are 10min each.

Sundays its 35 bucks. Its racing from 8:00am in the morning till about 4-5 o'clock.

hope to see u out there

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