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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2009
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Hey guys,

Got myself an 08 dhz 140 and i cant get 12" motard rims/tyres for it. Dhz have a rear that fits but the front sits off centre and the only solution dhz have is if i get the rim relaced at my expense. Anyone know where i can get rims/tyres for my bike?

also why does it run fine with the choke on but not without?

try hitting up a motorcycle tyre shop mate, 12" are the most common..
yeah? reckon they'd do rim and tyres with discs?

i'll have to start ringing around
IF you live in brisbane, bring it to Archerfeild track & we'll get you sorted :)

if you don't take some fotos and we'll point you in the right direction
I'm in sydney. I'll take some pics tonight.

yeah i want the whole lot though. Want rims tyres etc so i can have my dirt rims/tyre spare.
Hey guys,

Got myself an 08 dhz 140 and i cant get 12" motard rims/tyres for it. Dhz have a rear that fits but the front sits off centre and the only solution dhz have is if i get the rim relaced at my expense. Anyone know where i can get rims/tyres for my bike?

also why does it run fine with the choke on but not without?


bit odd that DHZ dont have the motard rims to suit their 140... they used to... cant use spacers to get offset right?? is the disc offset, or the whole wheel?

are you sure you have the choke the right way round for on/off?? simple trick that catches out the best of us... particularly with that style of choke.. take off airfilter, and turn choke to what you think is "on"... if the butterfly valve at the back of the carby is "open", the choke is on...
i think a few photos will open a proper diagnoses.
There are a few possibilities, one being incorrect spacers and another could be a poorly laced rim (spokes installed wrong so the rim is offset to the hub).
Chuck up a pic or two so we know what we're trying to sort out.

Thump, butterfly open means choke is off, doesn't it?
your wrong about that one bulldog...

the choke as descirbed as a butterfly valve when is opened it blocks out all air but has a little hole drilled into the plate to allow a little bit of air into to make the mixture more richer hence making it easier to start a bike cold
butterfly closed is choke on and mitch is right, choke = choking the carby of air
ok first thing. Guy i bought it off said the choke was the other way... so choke on was actually off and it ran fine.... so thats fine.. thanks!

2nd. I dont have the wider motard rims on the bike. Didnt buy em when i had the service. Dhz tried fitting the front wheel and it was sitting to the left (facing the bike front on) and almost touching the fork. He put spacers and the disc hit the fork on the right. The hub is the same as my current wheel which i guess is the original wheel but he said it's cause of the way the wheel is laced. He mentioned he tried shimming(?) the wheel. He tried another rim but it was the same. The rear was no problem. My option was to buy the rim and get it relaced by someone. Thought there would be a way around this. Worse comes to worse i'll go back and do it but how the f*ck does everyone else do it? Anyway just wanna go racing f*cken!! (i should race my 636 but i'm too soft)

anyway thanks for the help!

maybe i should try fitting the rims from my 636? :D
with what you've said with the disc, etc. it sounds to me like a spoke install (lacing) problem. Why they have more than one this way (if that IS the case) is beyond me. An offset that bad would be pretty hard to achieve even if the person doing the assembly is trying to do it that way.

I'd say continue your hunt, someone here will point you in the direction of some reputable wheels.
yeah. Thanks mate. The guy at dhz said he could only put it down to lacing and i wasnt going to buy a dud wheel.

so the hunt continues.

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