Miniriders Ride Day at Frankston

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Admin "The Cougar"
Nov 13, 2008
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I know this a bit late guys and girls but I will be at Franga on Sat around lunch for a good session on the new pitbike track.

Hoping to get these ride days really cranking again for everyone in VIC so I'm going to be trying my best to hold one once a month.

Picking the new LXR up first so going to put it through it's paces to get an idea of what I need to do to get it how I like it.

Hope to catch up with a few people so come say hi if your down there. :grinning-smiley-003
"Frankston City Motorcycle Park
Hi everyone
Communication update:
The watering system has been fixed and the tracks have been getting a good soaking this afternoon.
The intermediate track will have the tractor go over it today as well as getting watered. We will have the pumps turned on intermittently over the next two days and would appreciate any parents getting out there with the hoses to get some water on the track.

i won't be going, going to either broadmeadows or nunawading for practice for next weekend and weekend after
I'll come down and say g'day, won't be riding Saturday though. Sunday pending how hot it gets.

Good the track is getting groomed, it was getting pretty bad.

You should have a great time motorman, good track to set up suspension on.
i debut i will be able to go down there sorry guys DAMN YOU FLYWHEEL FOR BEING STUCK ON
bahaha, starts a thread and doesnt even rock up....? nice one Nick =) jokes aside hope you like your new bike and get out there soon, ill be moving house and stuff over the next copule weekends but hanging to get out there so keep me posted when you guys are going again and ill try sneak it in... any chance for a wednesday night sesh this or next week maybe?
Same stuff again I guess try's to orginise a ride day and no-one turns up tipical...

How about organising it 2 weeks in advance so people can see and plan ahead of the day
Alright guys enough of the smart *****.

I didn't get back from Bendigo until 3pm so wouldn't have got to the track till like 4 which wouldn't have left much time for riding. Took a bit longer than I thought.

Will try and organise another one soon.
just do what we used to do! print out 10 flyers and send them to the shops, make a facebook page spam that shiz! We used to get heaps of ppl to ride days! i think the smallest was like 10-15 riders!
This was just a thrown together at the last minute thing. I should have never said it was a MR Ride day and problem solved. lol

Will put a lot more thought and effort into the next one.
There's always this weekend! Plus I want to see the bike.
I'll probly be there next weekend giving my motovert the last once over in tuneing and prep for round 1 of the braaap series on the 3rd!! So I'll cyas there
I'll probly be there next weekend giving my motovert the last once over in tuneing and prep for round 1 of the braaap series on the 3rd!! So I'll cyas there

Do you mean this weekend Styv? Got invited to tassie for the tassie round today too. Declined after seeing the cost for the boat trip!

Oh good, gotta race against Brad and Styv.
I was keen as for tassie! My displaced ac joint declined that one for me :(

oh bugger, hope that is healing well to start VCM? Wear a knee brace too mate.

Yeah spewin about tassie, had the bike going over in a van with some others, I just can't get there. Oh well, Vic round will be good. Will be a flat track though I reckon.
It's great to see your new years resolution is coming together mate your on the gates all over Australia and having a real go good stuff hope your having a ball
It's great to see your new years resolution is coming together mate your on the gates all over Australia and having a real go good stuff hope your having a ball

Gotta be in it to win it and if I'm on the podium in all series over Australia I will be Absolutly stoked!! Shows I'm commited to the sport and do anything to support it! And it will cement my feet into the industrie to be the 1st to do what I want to do :)

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