yeh its got potential but im just hoping the owner wont mind he hast used it in years so im feeling lucky but you never know hes a bit of a *******
What you want to do James is get a sign going saying ' Want fill ' and make a few calls around to pool companies , land scapers etc to get them to hook you up with some land fill. That means no more digging and is almost always free.
Just need a bobcat to come shift it around or a bunch of about 40 dudes with shovels haha
Remember your doing them a favour
Looks like the perfect land size.
Im going to try and get a track built next year on my land to hold a race series but we will see how time goes.....
Unless the land is completely flat and you cant dig holes allways use the dirt on site, with that hill on the land theres plenty, just push that out with a frontend loader and thats heeaps of dirt and all you have to do then is sculpt it with a bobcat .
only thing id do different unit is add some stutters somewhere???
maybe where youve got the higher jump and on the other line the lower on maybe put some stutters to replace one of them or somthing or somewhere else i dunno ill let you do it as i dont know wat im doing haha