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i had a quick search on google today,
i couldn't find another PW50 with a modified rear suspension set up, let alone a mono shock.
but i'm sure you can get aftermarket shock and h/duty replacement springs too.
so if this works, it may be a World First !!! , and you saw it here exclusively on Miniriders !

here is another couple of pics to show roughly what it'll look like when it's all back together.
the rear end also sits about 30mm higher too.

great idea craig, I checked this first thing this morning and you were only thinking bout it, and now your almost finished!!! It will look sexy when put back together. I'm just trying to work out how the weight of the bike will be supported now with the pivot point changed. Will it put more stress on the swingarm/ driveshaft? Its hard to say for me without having it right in front of me, I'm sure you have it all worked out though.
the main idea behind modifying it was to gain a bit more rear suspension travel.

compared to the original shock mounts, the new ones are 150mm further forward
the driveshaft tube is very heavy duty though, and the plate on the r/h side is pretty strong too.

but if i notice any movement/flex with the shock mount in front of the wheel,
i could still modify it to use the original lower shock mounts and have it like an A style CRF50 swingarm.
thanks timeeh,
nah,i think i will save the angry snail idea for one of my bikes.

there are still a few things i want to do to the PW
i still haven't match ported the intake, or fitted boysen reeds, or a foam filter etc(the stock one in the airbox is foam)
hang on, i have match ported the intake, deburred/filed/sanded,smoothed etc and gave the outside a very quick polish.

i opened up the carby end a bit, and bellmouthed it to help flow.

Port n polished PW, cool stuff :)
page 1 post #27 on timeeh

being 2 stroke, theres not much to port in the head, i could have it recut to more modern specs though.
the head has been shaved 1mm, and the ports in the barrel were cleaned up a fair bit.
page 1 post #27 on timeeh


Im going back to sleep now LOL
after looking at the reed valves today i found they needed a little adjustment, they were a touch off sitting square.
i flipped them over for the time being, the stoppers were not level too, so i squared them up
and i also added some ports to the stoppers, these can help the reeds open

i resprayed the engine with gloss black engine enamel too while that was out, it was looking a bit rough

Yeh and if you keep going it'll be too nice to let your kid ride
you'll be happy to know he will be back on it tomorrow arvo,
he is having another couple of days up the farm with it.
Well thats sounds like a good way to spend the last of his holidays, hope he enjoys it, you too.

By the way you got too much time on your hands, I jelly:)
mate, i bet hes stoked! you have a passion for ur bikes mate :) that thing is lookin sick! keep up the great work!
i dropped the spare seat off to the trimmers this morning,
should be ready in a couple of days.
i have also replaced the NGK plug with an Irridium too

yeah, the crackle of the spark is bigger/louder when kicking it over with the plug out,
it's brighter (more energy?). they make the bike start easier, and are a touch more responsive
got the seat back today, looking good, gripper top and blue leather down the sides

i saw another PW50 for sale on gumtree, a 2012 model, the seat looks the same just a bit darker on the sides


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