NEW CAR - How Should I Mod It?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
Just got a new car given to me :D by a friend coz i did a favour for em. Only prob is its a white hyundai excel:( i know what your thinking chix car.

Well i want people to give me some ideas on how to mod it out appearance wise. I was thinking of painting it black myself to save money:confused: anyone had any experience it painting their own car??? ive got an air compressor and spray gun but what do i do now???And does it actually look any good???

Also any other mods i can do would be a great help thnx
Why mod it at all? It won't increase the value at all.

Just make it clean and put some high quality parts on it.
sell it to some chik for her first car then buy sumthin decent
paiting is easy practise on a old bonnet or sumfin till u get the hang of it the undercoat is piss easy to paint cause it dont run or anything but its the top coat and the clear you need to worry about (orange peel etc etc)
What year model? current colour and condition of paint? if i were you get a cheap set of wheels lower maybe a cannon for sound effect :p and a cheap stereo i wouldnt spend many dollars on a Korean Front wheel drive.
no matter what you do to a hyundai excel it will still be a crap chicks car. Drive it till it blows up or you can afford to buy something better. Don't waste your money modifying it.

Btw apparently the darker the color the harder to paint properly
so black is the hardest color to paint
its already got a pretty gud sound system i might get a subwoofer for it. I dont really want to resell it coz the person gave it to me for free so its a bit slack.
As for painting i wanna know how to prep it and stuff and ive been told it will look crap coz im not "baking it"??? im guessing thats heating it after painting? Any chance of a heap of heaters all pointed at it workin?LOL
Here are some pics



the paint job at the mo is pretty bad so it not like it can get much worse
the paint looks alright from PICS dunno about real life and it looks like its in oretty good condition rego it if its not already and use it as a daily till u save up enuff for a better car
but i will havew to go with reece with this one... sell it to some dumb blonde bitch as her first car get good money and buy ur self a nice thing
rice it up!!!!!!!!! cannon, steering wheel, mags, a few stickers and bobs your uncle!




Ba hahahahhahahahahahaha

Damn wish i had the money to do that. im already planning to buy a boss kit, steering wheel, but really hate the colour white and want to paint it so we will see how that goes

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