Not sure what to get please help.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2010
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hey guys

I have been looking at these rc difters for a while now and i have made up my mind that i am going to get one.
But my problem is i dont know anything about them haha. I just want something that drifts well and isnt going to cost me a tonne of money on new parts.

So i have been looking around on ebay and i found these, I was wondering what you guys think of them?
Obviously i would like to go with the cheapest one but if it isnt worth it i will go with a more pricey one.

eBay Australia: Buy new & used fashion, electronics & home d

RC 1/10 drifting Drift Car Nissan Skyline silver RTR on | eBay

RC 1/14 drifting Drift Race Sport Car Audi TT Black RTR remote control | eBay

so yeah please leave me some feedback in the comments.
i wouldn't buy any of those if your serious about wanting something that drifts well and want an all in one package ive got this and its perfect drifts like a champ i love the thing : ::HPI RACING:: - RTR Sprint 2 Drift
yeah mate both of those look sick but i dont have hundreds of dollars to spend on rc stuff. so you dont recon any of the rc cars are worth it ? even the hsp?
In all honesty no not really my brother has a hsp drifter its garbage he used it once i think lol
you dont want any of the cheap ones, the controllers brake & a heap of other stuff..

best base model decent one is the HPI E10
Hey i am personally not educated on pit bikes or anything like that but i am highly educated on Rc i take them apart and put them together all of the time drifting is lots of fun but it takes time and practice to learn.... so what i would recommend is telling me a budget and i will find you a drifting car with in that budget you can pm me to if you dont want to post it on this forum :]

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