Oil Leak :(

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Oct 2, 2006
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Hey Guys

Took my bike out on its first ride today. Came home to find its now leaking oil. Its leaking oil from the clutch adjustment comparment. I took the cover off and it had heaps of oil in there and it seems to be leaking where the rubber gromet/clutch bolt is.
Anyone got any sugguesting if it can be easy fixed? At the monment I have drained the oil out of the bike and I have emailed the people I got it from.

Oh yeah Bike its a orion 27.

Alright think there may not be leak cause when I went riding today I had to tip the bike on its side witch was the clutch side to get it through a fence. Witch looks like it may of cause the oil to leak out of where the clutch bolt is.

So I guess I will fill it back up with oil tomorrow and see how it goes.
I didnt break open any seals all I did was just took the side plate off that had the adjustment bolt in there for the clutch and that was it. I didnt open anything that was sealed up.

So hopefully when I get home I will fill it back up with oil start it up and hopefully it is fine. Hopefully only leaked out cause I tiped it on its slide.
I didnt break open any seals all I did was just took the side plate off that had the adjustment bolt in there for the clutch and that was it. I didnt open anything that was sealed up.

So hopefully when I get home I will fill it back up with oil start it up and hopefully it is fine. Hopefully only leaked out cause I tiped it on its slide.

Definately a seal is gone, it shouldn't leak oil from there at all even when on its side.
It will only leak from the breather at the back if its on its side, or upside down :eek: (ensuring that gaskets are 100%) Make sure you have the rubber O ring in the oil filler to.
Yeah I know where bouts it is coming from its the clutch rod thing that is pushed in when u put the clutch in it leaking from round that.

Alright just had a closer look and seal is damaged I fixed it up abit but bit of it seems to have split/melted alittle. Anyone know how would I go at removing it? Do I have to pull the engine apart or do I leaver it out with a flat head screw driver? Hopefully I will call the mobe I got the bike from and they will send me replacement seal.

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need to see pictures make sure nothing else has moved as theres a tinny ball bearing in the clutch housing and i doubt the dealer will replace the seal as u have fiddled with the bike voiding any warranty :(
I will ring em tomorrow see what they say. And I will try get a photo tomorrow night after work.


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