OK 07 Pitpro 140 or DHZ 140?

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Active Member
Dec 11, 2006
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HI All,

Been doing a bit of a search but havent found a direct comparison between these two 07 models? Actually it seems for me the search function is ******.

Anyway, whats the opinion right now i can pick up a DHZ for $100 - $200 cheaper than the pitpro. Bike is just for playing around on my back yard track etc sometimes will be taken of into the hills.

Are they both that similar that i should just get the cheapest or is there some significant drawbacks with either?

Cheers in advance

Okay now.. I'll do a comparison for you and you should be able to work it out for yourself

Pit pro Vs. DHZ

Pit pro frame is the updated version of the DHZ bike, it has a cradle meaning more support for the motor..That means 6 bolts hold the motor to the frame instead of 2..VERY GOOD FRAME..i have threaded bottom footpeg mounts because of my weight on the bike when jumping (i only weigh 65ish kg)

Engines are both the new lifan 140cc, exactly the same...

Same front forks i'm pretty sure, both have the flat head adjustments on the top, can be abit soft but easily fixed, just add a few 20c peices into the forks on both sides..(i've got the same forks on my bike)

Swing arm, and rear shock are basically the same design..DHZ has a few holes on the swing arm just for the looks..and a diffrent colour shock

So, basically the same bike except this...



I would personally go the pitpro...both are Awesome bikes..
They are the both the same bike made in the same company minus a few things. The things i know what are the same are
*Hubs, rims and spokes
etc etc

Things what are different
*Clutch and front brake leaver
*Possibly rear brake caliper
*Possibly rear shock

It is only small things what are different but i would reccomend the DHZ as they are cheaper for the same bike. Oh and btw make sure you weld the oil cooler bracket nice and good before you ride it. Mine snapped, my mates snapped and Flarry from this forums Pitpro one snapped.
Cheers Mate,

Yeah im about 80kg so the pitpro might be the better option, just a fairly significant price difference at the moment.

Thanks Again

Yeah $849 dhz Vs $1099 pitpro atm plus delivery

hmm decisions decisions
yeh, about the same apart from little differences. i would try and haggle the dhz, would prob take maybe just under $800 if ur lucky,
depends what u think rlly
how much are cradle mounts or do they hav to come with the bikes and do they make much of a diff?
I reckon try and get a DHZ for $800. A cradle isnt worth $300. The other thing is though I think the tyres on the pitpro are ridebale from the box (my mate and I have the bse ones they are o.k.) im not sure about the dhz you'd want to replace those straight up. Thats $100-$120. If you can get a pitpro for less than $1000 it might be the go.
Be prepared to fork out money on tyres for the DHZ. Stocky chinese tyres are useless
You can't really add a cradle mount (there is after matket kits or you can make one but you need welding skills or about $200) to an existing frame.
definately go the pit pro, it comes with the cradle mount so it will save ya engine mounts from cracking or even braking, if i was to buy a new bike that would be mine.
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im in the same situation, i odnt no whether to get a pitpro 140cc or a dhz. one of me mates say get pitpro but i dunno lol. so yeh wat all u think?
good question
i was talking to the bloke that helped design the jailin engine
knows the floors that come with them out of the box but he can and will tune them to run at there best.

i have had a look at both the pitpro and the DHZ both a good donk
but i will stick with my moto vert i thasn't done me wrong
mates DHZ bought 6 weeks ago came with Kenda millsville front and rear tyres. only probs so far are **** levers( broke 1st ride) and weird rake. like an xr100 with cr250 forks. very weird to ride. this prolly wont help ya but im too pissed:D :eek: to care:eek:

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