Orion 125 Pit Bike gears

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Oct 2, 2006
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Hey Guys

Just a quick question can someone tell me are the the gears down? Or is 1 down the rest gears up as in 1-N-2-3-4?

I just got the bike and just started it up had quick run in 1st gear and never even tryed to find second not enough room.

Oh and also how the hell do I loosen the shock tensioner? Do I have to take the whole shock off or can I adjust it while its on the bike its impossible to turn it with my hand. Atm the shock to too stiff

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your right on the shift pattern, 1 down first , up N-2-3-4, what orion is it ?
It isnt a ducar engine its something else I forgot the name. Can find out when I get home.
Yeh in the manual says all down but the manual is bit wrong with a few things like its for another bike. And yeh seems the gear box could be full rotation cause if i keep clicking it witch everway it will eventurlly pick Nutral up Again.

So can anyone tell us how you adjust the rear shock i know you screw the top of it but its heaps tight. Do I use a screw driver and hammer and just hit it the right direction to loosen it? (Proply not) And tips would be help full.

probly take all the weight of by supporting the bottum of the bike whith a crate or sumthin then try some tools from the oldies toolbox if its got too nuts ones a locking nut try to loosen the top one first not both at the same time
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see if a motor bike shop or car auto part shop sells some type of clamp to compress the spring if u can find something along these lines u wont do any damage u can use a hammer and blunt flat head screw drive but why risk it being damaged u could even remove the shock stick two peices of timber between the spring and clamp those together just a couple of ideas if the nuts are stuck also remeber to loosen the top nut first as it locks the lower one
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Hey Guys

Thanks for all your help. I got to give the bike abit of a ride for couple of mins today and the gears are all down. Witch makes it easy cause I'm new to manual bikes.

And the shock has soften up a bit now so thats good.
But thanks for the help I'm sure I'll need more soon :)


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