Pit pro 125se frame

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2015
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Hey guys I got a new bike off a mate today, it's a pit pro 125 se, the engine needs a new sator plate cuz chain has broke the magneto part.. but I was hoping to put a lifan 140 engine in that I got.
Any one know if the 140 would go in it?
Using the 125 cdi?

Has any one had this type of bike and knows if there any good or not?

It seems that it has pretty decent quality parts on it and I like the twin muffler and bigger wheels.

140 Lifan engine.

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Yeah it will be a bolt in swap.
It has the same style frame as my old Atomik Fuse
Man it's shock is on a sharp angle. it's really stiff suspension not much movement..
I think it could use a softer spring?
Did u have this same problem with your atomik fuse Craig?

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Nah, they are a pretty smooth bike to ride.
The old owner might have wound up the preload on the rear shock ?
Yeah the shock has been made a bit tighter haha didn't think about that..
I'll see how that goes.

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I put a few hours into the bike today and got the engine in and the wireing harness all sorted it's got spark so I got a Shiite load more to do..

Here's a few pics of how it looks atm.



this bike coulda used a good clean last year by the looks of that fork leg :(

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Are the exhaust holes on a 125, the same as the 140 cyclinder as I wana use the muffler that was on the bike (the bike originally had a 125 in it). Or Would I have to get a gasket or a washer to seal it ?

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Cheers man I'll have to get one of them gaskets, it didn't have one on the muffler so need one.

I ended up getting the engine running today just for a while.. I'm pretty stoked about it.

Only bad thing was when I tried to kick it over the second time it kicked back and bombed my foot.

What would cause it to do this ? Valve clearance maybe?

Here it is with the pipe and carb on.

Carb was filthy..

Got it lookin better

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Lol, compression causes it, and not kicking it over from just past TDC.

You need to learn how to feel the kick start lever coming up to tdc, and push it down a little more so it's just past tdc.
Otherwise you'll break kick start gear's, clutch basket's, kick start shaft, kick start lever's, or worst case an engine case.

Fitting a light weight outer rotor kit will also help.
I'll link you one in a bit, what cdi do you have on it ?
Well I'll try kicking it a little bit past Tdc. I think I must of kicked it coming up to Tdc.
it hurt my foot heaps dam I hope it didn't break anything, it was a pretty loud kick back it didn't sound good.

With the cdi I'm not sure it's the stock one that was on the 125 engine

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Kicking the 140 is different to the 125.. Hey With the 125 I just get to top dead centre and kick it. Hopefully I can get it right tomorrow. I don't know if I'll get one of them man to poor atm.

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Yeah that's ok, just kick it over from just past tdc then
Just wondering Is having the oil cooler connected to the engine better then havering it connected to cylinder head.

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got kicking the bike down lol, looks like it's idols pretty good!!
Its got a 20 pilot and a 95 main, fuel screw is at 2 turns out on the 26mm Chinese mikuni copy carb and I got a well oiled dual stage air filter on it as well

Lol here's a vid on one of the times it kicked back on me lol!


Also I ended up havin a go at getting them rusty fork legs smoothed out.
Just used this polishing steel wool I had, I got em looking a bit better.

Here's the steel wool and also used some 3in1 penetrating oil with it.




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Today I was going to drop the oil out of it and put some new stuff in it. Just wondering how Much will this take with the oil cooler.
750 ml ?
Oh and wondering could I set the oil cooler up better ? I have the plate that converts it to having the oil lines to the cylinder head. Could I have a oil line on the to bolts on the crank case then have the oil cooler on the head??

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Haha was riding the 140 yesterday was having a blast with me cuzin then all of a sudden the engine back fired and stalled couldnt start again. When i got it back to the shed i found that i had no spark. Teated the plug in a different bike and had spark so looks ljke i might need to get one of them sator plates craig?
Just wondering has anyone eles installed a new sator plate and can help me with the process ?
You need to get a multimeter and test what is actually wrong with your bikes' electric's.
Otherwise you might replace the stator and still have the problem.
Sound's like it could be a bad connection or bad earth even.
take each plug apart and check that the terminal'shaven't been pushed out of the plastic plug/socket.
Put some dielectric grease on them and reassemble it and try it out.
Permatex Dielectric Grease .33 oz - Supercheap Auto Australia

Next take your ignition coil off the bike and check that it is earthing to a clean bare metal spot on the frame (smear some dielectric grease there)
Then check the earth from the main loom is contacting bare metal on the frame (use some grease there too)

Have you tried disconnecting your kill switch to check that it hasn't shorted out inside ?

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