Pitpro Question.

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Jul 1, 2007
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Gday. My pitpro is on its way and im wondering how hard they are to put together. Im not a total ******* when it comes to these things but im just wondering if i should have someone clever with me to put it together.

Can anyone tell me how long they took and how hard it was Thanks.
Hey Mate,

I bought an Atomik which from what i understand comes with about the same amount of DIY.

There's not to much to it just putting the front wheel on and rear shock etc.

Just remember to loctite stuff and lube stuff and the rest is pretty self explanatory.

youl need to but a bolt threw the back shock eyelet and then tighten it... and chuck on the front wheel and also the bars
When your putting on the front wheel, try not to test if the front brakes are working.. Then the front callipers close and you have to get a flathead screwdriver to ply it open which is a bugger but the rest you should have no trouble with, try not to loose any tools and keep the bolts that hold the steel cage together which holds your bike because, as I found.. They are the exact same size as the bolts used to hold the chain guide onto your frame when I lost the bolts off mine! :D Good luck mate
... and don't forget fuel!
And even more importantly get rid of the crappy transport oil that give you because there's usually not enough to start with and it's junk anyway.
Thanks everyone. And also sorry, i just realised i put this in the wrong thread... oops
usually just bars, front wheel and shock. but read some where had to hav the forks put on.. i thinkmost are justthose 3, mke sure you check that EVERY bolt on the bike is tight before riding.
i just bought a 140xr looks quite easy but i no jack-**** so im getting mate from down the road to do it.
When your putting on the front wheel, try not to test if the front brakes are working.. Then the front callipers close and you have to get a flathead screwdriver to ply it open which is a bugger

Speaking of which I only fixed today. I spent 2 days not riding my bike cos I accidentally closed em shut, then trying to fix that accidentally bled all the fluid. Then I had to take the wheel off today to get the calliper on.

Although, now that my front brakes are on, I can ride! And I went for my first proper dirt ride today. It was awesome, I've already got the hang of the gears and clutch and all. I love ripping it up too XD

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