Pitsterpro Daytona kick start broken

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2015
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newcastle NSW
Hey there :listen:, I'm buying a secondhand PitsterPro 160Daytona 4valve and the owner has told me every so often while riding the kick starter will slip out because the mechanism has broken that holds it tucked in, just curious is it a 16mm or 14mm kick starter id need?
bike is being delivered on Saturday so i'd like to get this part ordered and shipped asap.

I'm pretty sure it's a 14mm shaft.

Normal China's are 12mm for memory.
Is the engine a Daytona 150F 4V, or 150FDX 4V Anima?

I wonder how the kick start shaft can slip out though?
There is a step on the kick start shaft inside the clutch cover, then there is a washer/shim that slip's over the shaft between the step and the clutch cover.
I can't see how it has happened?
See page 35/37 here- http://mypitbike.ru/downloads/DaytonaAnima150.pdf

I hope you aren't paying too much for it, the engine need's to be taken out, head off, cylinder off, clutch cover off, clutch out, gear shift lever off, gear shift shaft out, and then the case's need to be split apart.
So you'll probably need a gasket set to go with the kick starter too.

It'll take you a couple of hour's to do the job, possibly longer if you haven't split an engine before.
Take lot's of picture's as you go for reference as you are reassembling it

Do you have any pictures of the bike ?

I reckon there might be something more to the problem?
Or it has chipped the kick start gear's and sometime's it slip's when kicking it over
That would need a new clutch basket possibly, or maybe a set of kick start gear's ?
^^ There's another option, might need a kick start lever too?
That could be an easy fix?
An m5 grub screw, a small spring and a 3mm ball bearing
I don't quite know, the owner told me over the phone he was kicking it over and something happened which caused it to flip out like you're going to kick it over.
He's only put up two photos. I assumed I'd just need to buy a new kick starter and it'd be good to go. image.jpg
Just over 1k
A friend enquire about it prior to me and the owner had told him it was a 155daytona. He said he spent just over 3k for it in 2013.
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No like, he said it kicks fine but while riding the lever on occasion will fold out by itself like you do when you kick it over
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Even cheaper option????????????? :first:

I'll try to pry more questions from him on Friday evening. Still unsure if a 12/14/16mm will go onto it
Just had a text sent to me, he believes it's a 16 so I'll go from that. Assured me it just unfolds sometimes while riding. Cheers all :)
Quick question, would it be a 28mm uni filter that'd just screw in? From the pictures above it looks like he's got the box on the bike still
It's all so confusing hahah. Can't really see what he has in his pic. Trying to place orders for something I know nothing about :beerchug:
I'm still not 100% sure what engine it actually has. Advert says it's a 160 Daytona but as far as I knew daytona only made 150s and 190s? Hopefully it's not a zonger or something. Just the name makes me feel uneasy :lol: As I said before a friend enquired about it before I did and the owner said it was a 155. /shrug
As long as it's a Daytona I'll take more pictures when it arrives. Give you motorheads something to go from.
It's definately a Daytona, ask him what the engine model number is, it's stamped into the engine below the front sprocket/cover
This is a pic of rotn50s' engine, showing the model ANIMA 150F


The picture of the carby on the one you are buying it is the same as what is in the pic from DHZ above, it's an OKO so you'll need a 48mm i/d filter the same as what i linked above

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