Pitted Fork Tubes

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Sunshine Coast, Australia
Hey fellas,
The forks on my KX250F have some pitting or corrosion on the upper tubes, like the anodizing is flaking off or something... probably from roost hittinh or maybe High Pressure hose....
Just wanted to know if anyone has any Idea where I could go to get this fixed up?

I called the anodisers and they said $55 to do the anodising, but someone else would have to clean them up and remove the old anodising first..

Anyone done this before? Also, what is the finish on the fork called, how it has lots of little horizontal ridges... is it called knurled?

Heres what they look like...

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Knurled seemed right to me, although apparently it isn't...

Removing the old anodising isn't too difficult with some sort of light acid wash (oven cleaner seems to be the go) and a little scrubbing, there are plenty or articles and youtube videos on the subject. You'll need to completely disassemble the forks before you start though, and be careful where the cleaner/acid goes... Is it really worth the effort?

Incidentally, Google is your friend, it took me 30 seconds of searching and two minutes of typing to reply :p
cheers man...
Im getting my suspension looked at and the forks will be dissasembled... thought it might be my only chance to do something about it... The bike is awesome, but this just looks bad...brings the whole look of the bike down.. I like my stuff lookin tidy.. especially for resale.

Did google it too, but all I kept getting was how to fix pitted lower fork tubes.. didnt think of googling "Removing Anodizing From Aluminum".. ha ha... im usually the one critisizing people for not googling.. oh well...

Heres a link I just found on the process if anyone else is ever interested and comes across this thread...

Re-Anodizing Fork Tubes | Cafe Husky

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