Please help me! Really urgent!

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Feb 23, 2007
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im jsut posting in relation toa 125cc pi bike from foxico sports..... its to do with the chain and rear arm on the chain side.

This is the bike i purchased.... if you scroll to the bottom area where the pictures are under all the writing at the very bottom you will see one picture with a chain this is how mine looks it has a rubber seal bolted on over the this dangerous???? can the chain at high gears and high revs run through that to the actual metal arm and casue grief??????? im wondering or is it fine? PLEASE GUYS I NEED AN ANSWER ASAP thinking going out riding for a little tonight.

cheers Tom
Should be fine! all china bikes have there problems & they all cause grief, just ride & have a good time & keep a eye on things!
That thing usually takes a good 4 months to wear out and then you have to replace it, even if it does wear out it'll only put a mark on the swing arm and damage the chain a little.

Definatly not somthing to worry about!!
yea we took the rubber one off and cut a piece of plastic breadboard off..did the trick nicely
Yeh man, Its supposed to be there.. I'd be more worried about the front wheel falling off during a mono in comparasion to that.
funny thing is with a china bike the possibility is there :D
as the other boys have said, its a swingarm guard, eventually it will ware down but its designed to protect your swingarm and chain, dont remove it and when it does finaly ware down replace it with a new one as soon as you can, last thing you want to do is slightly weaken your chain and put a small weak point in the swingarm.

Cheers, Tony.
Yeah boys well i tell ya its a chinese built frame but they replaced the engines with ducars so its a good bike! very fun very reliable thus far and thanks for the help! To bad the ******** up at the oval came up and started hassling us telling us to move along tsk tsk :p

cheers boys, Tom
hahaha..same here franky...trys to make us flip over the bars.... I done my first big whip today:D
ha ha last day of school for 06 we came in on a crf 230 and tore up the oval during school kids thought it was awsome principal called cops
is that a two stroke or just got the expanction chamber look alike thing

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