Quieter Zorst??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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lil old littlehampton, SA
can i do any thing to my zorst to make it quieter? cause i ride near hoses and they aint to impressed with the noise and the cops are constantly called cause of the noise. its fair enogh though cause my zorst is very loud and has a loud bark to it.
or over the end and cable tie it... might burn... never tried it... i try make my bike louder lolz, **** the neighbours!!!
What sort of pipe are you running at the moment?
Sometimes adding an extra baffle to the muffler will make a difference. This can be done so that you can remove it when not necessary.
The other option is a second muffler or pipe you can use, one for the 'hood and one for when noise isn't a problem.
everything you do to make it quieter will restrict it to make it have less preformance, on ebay there are these exhaust silencers for around $10 or so pretty cheap. I think do a search there was a thread about this 3 or so months back
yeah iv seen those silencers on ebay but theyonly reduce the sound by like 15db or somthen wich is *** all (normal talking is bout 30db.)
il try and make somthen up so its quieter il let you no how it goes.
yeah iv seen those silencers on ebay but theyonly reduce the sound by like 15db or somthen wich is *** all (normal talking is bout 30db.)
il try and make somthen up so its quieter il let you no how it goes.

first, buy a cheap ebay exhaust. Then re pack it leave baffler in and then buy the silencer. Should be quiet as buy a fair amount of power loss. Make sure you keep your exhaust you have atm.
just do what i said, but buy the cheap ebay exhaust but make sure it has a baffler
put ur donk in it (u know what im refering too) lolz jkz! ummm u can try just normal pipes! usualy on kids bike... or the kids 50cc-110cc 4 wheelerz, there zorsts are pritty much the same as a 04 thump
yeah iv seen those silencers on ebay but theyonly reduce the sound by like 15db or somthen wich is *** all (normal talking is bout 30db.)
il try and make somthen up so its quieter il let you no how it goes.

15dB is huge... and normal talking is more like 55-60dB, a trades man generator is like 75dB and bikes are in the 90dB-95dB range.

Just pack it with some stainless steel wool, i just put a stainless steel mesh over the outlet in my five0 exhaust and it took the bark out of the exhaust but its still nice and loud (but not as crazy loud as before), packing it with a few more layers would make a big differance.

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