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New Member
Jan 21, 2012
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is it actually possible to register a dhz 160 in QLD? i'v seen kits to get your pit bike registered, but wasn't sure if it could actually be done. because of chassis number and engine number and that they actually are a dirt bike. if you know of anyone that's had it done? that'd be sweet.

yeah you probably could get it done, but it Wouldn't be worth it. By the time you sorted out lighting etc, that would be painful enough, you would then need to organise ADR compliance, which is about 10 g's for a one off compliance the last time i checked. Up to you.
i dont think i can, well not that i know of, u can buy motovert rx50 and 125s that are registerd but they only pop up every now and then
yea the lighting wouldnt be any trouble, but wow $10,000? that sounds a bit wild?

yeah i wouldn't bother buying a motovert, i'm not that keen, was just going to do it as a gee up if it could actually happen with the dhz. thanks for the info guys

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