removing valves from head

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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2007
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i have an old ducar 125 and i want to do a port job, the engine is not ina bike so it doesnt matter if i break something , i just want to know how do i remove the valves
you have to have a special tool or machine i tryed to get mine out with no luck so we took it to our mechanic friend and he said you have to have a special thing lol.
You need a valve spring compressor.

It doesn't need to be an expensive one as these springs are not as hard as car springs.

They work like vice-grips. You set the amount of compression, pull the handles and collets should just fall out. Then releases the handles and the valve comes out.

If you're into backyard jobs you can use a "G" clamp, a 14mm socket and a $2 coin... but this can, and probably will scratch your head.
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damn what is the 14mm socket for and how do i get them out
damn what is the 14mm socket for and how do i get them out

Have some one hold the 14mm (or 13mm) socket on the spring retainer and the $2 coin on the valve face and use the "G" clamp to squeeze them together, thus compressing the spring. You will hear the 2 collets fall into the socket. then CAREFULLY undo the "G" clamp.

You can NOT use this method to put the valves back in as you can't get the collets back in with the socket in the way.... You will need a valve spring compressor.
i done it, i even put the valves back in :D not sure how it works yet i need to put oil in and start it ill do it tonight

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