Ok guys so i have had a atomik and a orion for about 1 month now and heres the comparison
The orion has had not a single problem, the chain has needed re-tensioning a few times but thats normal for these bikes. i did have a problem where i didnt unclamp the gear box breather pipe from shiping which caused the front sporket seal to pop out, was easy fixed. Not a single bolt or nut has come loose and the bike goes better today than it did first day i got it. Its been through small streams, mud pits, on the road and on very steep rocky tough terrain and every time its trooped on for 2 - 3 hours non stop being thrashed over jumps. had a few minor crashes and bent the rear brake lever, its pretty crummy metal.
Every time it takes the beating and doesnt mind at all. this bike is awesome, it does get a little hot after bout 2 hours of slow uphill and it will smoke a little if you remove the oil cap. beside that gears are fine, they have loosened up a bit after the first week, were a little stiff first week. mikuni 25mm carb is good, upside down shocks, great and all the alloy bits do **** all but look real nice. paid $799 delivered to the gold coast. all up this bike is great and if i wrote it off tommorow, id buy another exactly the same the next day! if your thinking of buying one, do it, i have a lot of friends with a lot of riding expereince and these bikes amaaze them for the price, they are all getting one!
Now the Atomik.
Well first of all, this bike pulls away from mine on the straight and it has a smaller carby, O.O , this bike is almost identical to the Orion but its standard suspension not upside down, not a biggie! there has been a few probs with this bike. first of all, everything comes loose, u NEED to tighten everything up properly after shipping because these bikes rattle loose almost instantly. the throttle respone is just as good as the orion and top enda a little better, i cant explain this but its true. the electric start doesnt work and never has.
This bike has taken the same beating if not more and once again still runs great. it does have a backfire issue on closed throttle though. its also been completely submerged for about 2 seconds and coughed and spluttered for about 5 min, the filter was like a sponge, we swueezed it and water poured out, but taken the filter off and taking the bike for a 10 min thrash fixed it all back up beautifully, this bike was $679 includingt delivery. but a great bike except i dont think it is put together as well as the orion. i would still pay extra for the orion!
So if your looking at buying a bike, these two are great, for the price its incredible that the go as well as they do, i could never dream that a sub $1000 bike would be this good but its definately the best thing ive ever bought, endless fun, cheap! and safer than the big bad regular 125's. they both run for about 2-3 hours on a three litre tank.
Well thats about it, if you have any questions on these bike then fire away.
The orion has had not a single problem, the chain has needed re-tensioning a few times but thats normal for these bikes. i did have a problem where i didnt unclamp the gear box breather pipe from shiping which caused the front sporket seal to pop out, was easy fixed. Not a single bolt or nut has come loose and the bike goes better today than it did first day i got it. Its been through small streams, mud pits, on the road and on very steep rocky tough terrain and every time its trooped on for 2 - 3 hours non stop being thrashed over jumps. had a few minor crashes and bent the rear brake lever, its pretty crummy metal.
Every time it takes the beating and doesnt mind at all. this bike is awesome, it does get a little hot after bout 2 hours of slow uphill and it will smoke a little if you remove the oil cap. beside that gears are fine, they have loosened up a bit after the first week, were a little stiff first week. mikuni 25mm carb is good, upside down shocks, great and all the alloy bits do **** all but look real nice. paid $799 delivered to the gold coast. all up this bike is great and if i wrote it off tommorow, id buy another exactly the same the next day! if your thinking of buying one, do it, i have a lot of friends with a lot of riding expereince and these bikes amaaze them for the price, they are all getting one!
Now the Atomik.
Well first of all, this bike pulls away from mine on the straight and it has a smaller carby, O.O , this bike is almost identical to the Orion but its standard suspension not upside down, not a biggie! there has been a few probs with this bike. first of all, everything comes loose, u NEED to tighten everything up properly after shipping because these bikes rattle loose almost instantly. the throttle respone is just as good as the orion and top enda a little better, i cant explain this but its true. the electric start doesnt work and never has.
This bike has taken the same beating if not more and once again still runs great. it does have a backfire issue on closed throttle though. its also been completely submerged for about 2 seconds and coughed and spluttered for about 5 min, the filter was like a sponge, we swueezed it and water poured out, but taken the filter off and taking the bike for a 10 min thrash fixed it all back up beautifully, this bike was $679 includingt delivery. but a great bike except i dont think it is put together as well as the orion. i would still pay extra for the orion!
So if your looking at buying a bike, these two are great, for the price its incredible that the go as well as they do, i could never dream that a sub $1000 bike would be this good but its definately the best thing ive ever bought, endless fun, cheap! and safer than the big bad regular 125's. they both run for about 2-3 hours on a three litre tank.
Well thats about it, if you have any questions on these bike then fire away.