riding restrictions on private propety????!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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redbank plain, ipswich
ok so i asked a friend at work if i could ride my bikes property and he told me as soon as he starts a bike someone would call the cops and he has been told if there is another complaint his bike will be taken off him..... now i always thought noise restrictions only applied after 10 pm on weekends and 8 pm during the week... so this got me wondering and i did my research which led me to to this.... http://www.qorf.org.au/_dbase_upl/Unlawful TBs SEQ.pdf

then when i read

Statute Situation/s in which the statute applies
Transport Operations (Road Use)
Management Act 1995, Schedule 4 (pages
213 to 215), Sections 66, 85, 146 and 147;
Transport Operations (Road Use
Management—Road Rules) Regulation
Transport Operations (Road Use
Management—Vehicle Registration)
Regulation 1999, section 10.

applies to
Anywhere, including private property,
except areas declared not to be a public
place or a road under a regulation made
through the Transport Operations (Road Use
Management) Act 1995.

and when i searched the

Statute Situation/s in which the statute applies
Transport Operations (Road Use)
Management Act 1995, Schedule 4 (pages
213 to 215), Sections 66, 85, 146 and 147

i found out that if your local government has passed a law (which you may not know about) you cant ride your bikes on your own land... and if anyone even faintly hears you riding on your private property they can call the cops and depending on the cop is depending on the severity of the punishment...

now i might be ill informed.. but this is a joke. i thought we had rights on our own property???..
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Does this only apply in qld? Im in vic and quite interested. I ride at my place and i havnt been told off yet???? I ride cos i hear others riding close by.
Yeh had a look only say stuff about riding on public property. Private all good. Thanks.
If neighbours complain bout the noise you you are stuffed and the police will make u turn of your bike and or fine you , no matter wat the state it is you ride in .... in simple: " you can not win "
im in qld and i always ride in my yard, ive had cops here 1ce because of the noise but that was a 450f and 250f being flogged around for hours, he just gave me a warning and ddnt even make us stop riding, the copper was cool he rode dirtbikes himself
OK, seeing this is in my area of my work I will just mention a few issues you may have.
If you check your planning schemes you will generally (not all} but most have a part that states 'PROHIBITED USE" and race track comes into it.
This is not to say your site is a race track but regular use requires a planning permit and/or a local laws recreational use permit, these are not the same and even if you are granted one you may not be granted the other. So generally if the neighbours are cool and don't complain you can get away with it, but if they aren't then the permit system is what you have to play with.
And NO you can't just use your land as YOU see fit otherwise it would start a war between neighbours.
A lot of planning schemes deliberately place these restrictions over land to stop noise pollution and land erosion in semi and rural areas.
Hense in the future very quite bikes won't have this problem but the after market exhaust that have a bark you can hear 5km away don't help this cause. I like the exhaust noise and it makes it safer in the bush but it is killing our sport.
Hope this helps you.
This is in Victoria but I suspect without checking it would be applicable in all states as planning schemes seem to be similar in most states.
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I have no idea on the private property side of things but the noise levels things is what will get you in the end.. If your house/land is not in a industrial area your allowable dB levels measured 7mtrs from your boundary will be rather low, a pit bike with a good exhaust will out do the legal reading rather easy, weekdays and weekends have different allowable dB levels and sundays are even lower sometimes.. depending on your area and proximity to major hwys etc etc..

Your only allowed to exceed the allowable dB level for 2-3mins per hour so starting you bike after a wash or oil change is about all your going to get if your in a problem area thats not bike friendly
in rural areas you arnt aloud any noise that isnt farm machinery, if a neighbor complains
I have no idea on the private property side of things but the noise levels things is what will get you in the end.. If your house/land is not in a industrial area your allowable dB levels measured 7mtrs from your boundary will be rather low, a pit bike with a good exhaust will out do the legal reading rather easy, weekdays and weekends have different allowable dB levels and sundays are even lower sometimes.. depending on your area and proximity to major hwys etc etc..

Your only allowed to exceed the allowable dB level for 2-3mins per hour so starting you bike after a wash or oil change is about all your going to get if your in a problem area thats not bike friendly

Don't go letting them have false hopes like riding in as you say "an industrial area" as there are quite a few Zones that this statement covers, such as Heavy industrial, offensive industrial etc. and you still require planning permits to undertake any activity in these areas, even a change of use inside an industrial building.
So any attempt to ride in an "industrial area" is still in breach of noise pollution, intended use, planning and bylaws.
and if u build jumps in nsw u need da approval for anything higher then 900mm high my mate got stung with his track the council wanted it da approved
this is depressing.... even if I somehow manage to get my own patch of land, pay the out of control interest rates, pay my taxes, and pay my rates, I could get some ****** of a neighbour who has a problem with me riding my crappy pit bike for a bit of fun.... what a load...

No wonder im temped everyday to illegally ride the forests....
this is depressing.... even if I somehow manage to get my own patch of land, pay the out of control interest rates, pay my taxes, and pay my rates, I could get some ****** of a neighbour who has a problem with me riding my crappy pit bike for a bit of fun.... what a load...

No wonder im temped everyday to illegally ride the forests....

I second that. It's ridiculous to think this is happening. Hopefully my neighbors are so old there hearing is on the way out....
yer when even the bikes parks wount let ya ride there , then what else are ya to do.
But ride in the bush or footpath or road haha
Im thankfull for where i live track for 6-7 ys and not 1 complaint :) phew!
Yes I agree, where DO we ride, when the bike companies in the USA provide ride parks for the sale of their bikes to ride in and here in vic. we get zip. Even the bush the way it is managed is stupid as now with the designated rider unloading areas in the parks there are so many bikes in a small area the bush is over worked and then they need to close it down for 2 years to let it re vegetate. This is the so called managed areas.
We have been banned from a great single track area that we have ridden for 12 years and now only horses and mountain bikes are allowed. They even have events in the park and dig jumps, berms and build timber ramps etc. which are permanent, and they say we damage the area.!!!!!
It is only going to get worse not better as the other bodies like 4x4, mountain bikes etc. stick together and advertise heavily to promote their hobby/sport whereas the motorbikes cannot get together and push their hobby/sport as a whole. ( mx, trials, superx, trail riding, enduro, road racing, pit bikes, road bikes, scooters etc.) we would outnumber them by thousands and should command some respect and to be heard but all we get are laws to restrict and ban our hobby / sport.
Because all the pollies are douche bags!

I'm glad I live where no-body really cares what we do. Bom fires, guns, dirtbikes, parties. It doesn't matter.

Rural is the place to be!
yeah making me rethink where i move to next will be a hike to work but being able to do what you like on your own property while being far enough from your neighbor so they dont give 2 iota about the noise..

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