^^^^ Say something about the person above ^^^^

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Has no one to sook too so makes a thread to pay out 1 person and gets paid out himself.

May i add, you got paid out pretty damn good lol.
Ya reckon.....and you call yourself a QLDer.....fair enough stick with the mexicans

Is on drugs and makes shit up.

Where in this forum have i said im a QLDer, and wth that doesnt make sense?i could be mexican for your information. And if there are any mexicans on this forum i apoligize to any of them who has taken offence to this.

Sorry for being a tad off topic too.
Dude, why do you say I make stupid comments and call me a sook when all you do is try and flame me?
Because you make remarks that are personal,instead of just flaming me,you always say stuff about,mums,fathers,kids etc etc...do ya get it...hang as much shit on me as you like,i thrive on it
thrives on $hit talkin with the jnr members.. (lmao, dunno how but if it floats ya boat!)

Should also make a thread about the katana... pop up headlight model!????
Foolsp33d should remind STICK that he made a hurtful remark about my dad 2 days ago, considering he is dead.. The chain of hatred between us two started from there.

K ignored my apology, so I withdrew it.

P.S. I can't believe I got lured in by your flaming techniques, your good at it I'll give ya that much. I'm sure not only myself but the rest of miniriders is sick of hearing us bitching aye
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NO thats not a KATANA,And if you read there posts, they are the 1s starting,I just like giving it back to them.......may-be they should think before they speak
?? ok before i have to ban like 15 members, can we just let all this GO.. Start freshly, kiss and make up or whatever ya wana do, just keep this BS out of the forum.. please!!!!!

Stick-Show some maturity and let sleeping dogs lie.

Benox-Show some respect and give the elders the respect they deserve.

ANY OTHER MEMBER wanting to jump on the band wagon in the bitch fights, WILL BE BANNED, NO WARNINGS, NO HESITATION. ONE MONTH-Straght up.

stick, thought it was the bigger katanas with the pop up headlight??? cant recall the movie, but is aussie, famous actress.. i gone blank...

like this:
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Keeps sending me some top secret private messages :cool:
I like the older models better,After about 87-88 they really are not the real deal....Got a 84 model,Had a 1000cc spoke wheel.....now building a Turboed-busa powered lay down bike
Removed his last post to avoid the month banning. Thankyou :)
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(no worries)

in future will pay attention to previous posts :D lol
Fools loves his bourbon and savages:D ( i had a look at the link in ur sig, great build mate.. keep it up;) )

so im not allowed to flame on STICK anymore? :eek: damn.. someone got his msn addy?

I really enjoyed all that flaming..makes me feel better about myself when i communicate with people like him... thanks STICK.

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