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is happy because he successfully pissed off most of miniriders :D
is THE man:D
lol, stick u look tiny in ur avatar, lol. (and u pissed off more than 3 ppl, i just thought ur remarks were so stupid they weren't worth replying to) :rolleyes:
is being silly and then bagging me once again in another thread. if u didn't start this whole thing on miniriders who did? i would never go around bagging some1's relatives or family.
Like i said should read the posts,You will find that BENOX starts the shit, but can't handle when it is given back...then his little buddy's join in...I will admit that some of my posts are harsh,but are just come-backs to the crap that is said.None of you know me,If you did you would find that i am a nice guy..There has been numerous times out riding with my boy's we see lots of you young fella's riding....and breaking part's...I'm the sort of person who goes and get's bit's from MY part's box,And GIVE them the parts{most of the time for free} so they can fix there bikes so as to continue riding....hope this clears a few things for ya
Also plays mechanic to everyone else when riding. like me...lol
Funny enough, It started in my jumping video thread when you gave me shit.. idiot.
Should not smoke drugs,then would remember shit.......gary the gay priest,shit about me missus,shit about me mum......I can tell you will get nowhere in life.....Just remember this when you get to my age..and got nothing.......Sorry i said shit about ya vid,but that is the most lame bit of riding i have ever seen,throw in the towl......mate
The shit I said about your mum was during our argument, the missus shit I got banned for because you whinged to jezebell then I sent you PM tell you im sorry, Gary the gay priest was a joke, and then you continued to make a gay joke about my father, who is actually dead. For the whole argument, I said sorry and you completely snobbed me and are still making lame threads to further whinge about people.

What do you want me to do dude? I said sorry. Im not going to retaliate to it anymore. Unlike your childish games, I'm going to be mature. Thanks
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LOL, yeh stick u are taking this wayyyy to seriously. ur a grown adult taking shit out on kids, u go around saying "ben u will end up no where in ur life!" but if u were a good person and ened up having a good job or anything u wouldn't do that! you can't judge that he will get no where in life becuase he likes to make jokes, obviously you don't have a sense of humour.... Ben is a good decent guy, i mean yeh he can get offensive at times, but he is a teenager, there isn't one teen in australia that doesn't like to make silly jokes!
If ben wanted he could become prime minister, all he has to do is try hard and not get out down ny people who make silly comments like you. i find it rlly sad that u say that a kid has no future when he has had a hard life with his dad and everything. you see a decent guy like my dad wouldn't bagg a little kid in a million years, he is always polite and kind and encourages people to do their best in school and they can become anything.
you see, mi dad is on an R1 forum and a few times people have bagged him (people that come by without R1's on the forum to be stupid) and like a polite person would do he said, look i don't care if you don't particularly like my bike, everybody has a different opinion mate.
cheers, peter.
that's what a good guy would say so you telling ben that says that you aren't a good guy so you can't rlly talk!
thats mi 2 cents
wohhha STEP BACK!... well said Pascal.. your absolutely right.!!!

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