Tassie riders unite

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
Launceston, Tasmania
Hi guys

Correct me if im wrong, but there isn't a lot of organised Mini MX (and motard ) events, or decent places to ride in Tassie. By decent, I mean purpose built mini moto tracks. It may be different in the south, but up north in Launceston there isn't a whole lot. Apparently the Braaap guys are building a track near the drags, but will it be open to everyone or just braaap riders ???

The Braaap guys are great, and have a great product, but not everyone can afford to start at that level.

Im proposing to develop a new website ( im a web developer ) to bring some of the tassie riders together, and as a group we can have more negotiating power as far as venues, and buying products and bikes. And we can then organise a location and regular events.

What do you think?
man i know exactlly when you are coming from.. home grown tassie boy and it sucks unless you have your own s**t load of land..

i know the braaap boys have something going on out riverside way.. yet to go out there but about the track near the drags i havnt heard about that. i might have to go in and talk to the guys in at braaap, paulie and the guys XD

if a track out there is built then i dont see why not anyone cannot go out there and have a bash but ill have a talk and get back to ya man =)
braaap boys are always down my way these days.. down at the local bmx track and seen them out on the jet ski always at the beach
I talked to Brad via email, and a 'Braaap Club' is in the works. It will be open to all brands of mini 4 stroke bikes, not just Braaap ...

Bikes will need to pass scruitneering though, which is obviously important as safety should be the number 1 priority, and a close second of course, being 'FUN'!!!.

The track at Tarmak Dragway is ready to be built. They are just looking for some decent 'DIRT' from somwhere to build it with.

So if anyone has some spare truckloads of dirt lying around, get in touch with Brad on 63319726.
Further discussions ...

I have agreed to help out, and develop a website for the new club.
It will include a forum so everyone will have a chance to have their say.

Should be up in the next couple of weeks ... stay tuned.
Well the site is for the club, not Braaap. But just so happens the club was started by Braaap, and is named 'Braaap Club' ... u confused now ?

It will be open to all makes though.
why who else is in on it?? ill talk to paulie get em to be completlly independant =P
braaap club should be up and running soon but other than that i completely agree with you about there being no organised events.
umm well theres a **** load of free land out the back of my joint so we piss round there and have a bash till the cops come and tell us to move on =P

talk to the bloke that owns it and he was cool with it.. after we mouthed him case he told us to piss off the first time :p but yeh he pushed up some doubles and **** for us so yeh =)

what bout you??

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