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This guy has a chinese bike.. He is asking for tips.. You told him to run it in hard.. are you stoned?
no he's not stoned...well he maybe but what he is saying is right its a meathod of running in thats supposed to seat everything well and seal the ring thus givving it more power.....but i woulnt say it would be noticible.
You trust Joe Blows guide to running in a bike compared to a world wide belief that you should take it slow? If taking it slow ****** up a bike or made it not as powerful as it could be, no one would do it.

No offense benox but it was a world wide belief that the world was flat at one point, and that come from the experts of the day.
99% of the general public wouldn't know that the motor isn't at it's potential power output.. Car or bike.
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Oh yeah, By taking it slow I didn't mean as slow as an asian on her L's I mean't normally..

BTW, You win. I'm to tired to keep this rubbish going.. ok RUN IT IN HARD DOOD!!!
run it in hard thats what I done and never had a prob
Oh yeah, By taking it slow I didn't mean as slow as an asian on her L's I mean't normally..

BTW, You win. I'm to tired to keep this rubbish going.. ok RUN IT IN HARD DOOD!!!

Asian on her L's..... lmao...thats pretty funny dude..a thread should be started on experiences with Asian drivers...

I read that site yesterday about running the engine in, its quite interesting. It completely contradicts everything i've ever seen/read/heard in the past!

On one hand, i can understand how running the bike harder creates more cylinder pressure hence making the rings push harder on the bore therefore creating a better seat while the hone on the bore is still fresh. It does make sense, however, i'll argue this point here...

Engine speed is measured in Revs per Minute, in otherwords, Revs/Minute (divided by). This is saying that the more revs per minute your doing, the faster the piston is moving up and down in the bore. The fella argues that by running it in hard for an hour or so, you make the most out of the sharpness of the crosshatch patten cut into the bore when its honed. More rpms means quicker movement of the piston, hence more strokes over a shorter period of time of riding. What about this theory. Riding at lower rpms for a longer period of time to achieve the exact same amount of engine strokes? Say, ride for 20 mins at 8000 rpm gives 160000 strokes. Then ride for 40 mins at 4000 rpm still gives 160000 strokes! Therefore, the piston has traveled in the bore, the exact same amout of times, creating the same amount of wear on the rings from the cross hatch.

The only way this theory fails is that with a greater cylinder pressure, the rings are pushing harder on the bore therefore wearing the hone pattern down quicker and i believe thats why he's saying run it in hard, it makes the most of the time that hone pattern is there.

I just find it hard to believe that with Thermal Expansion of materials under higher temperatures and stuff, that running a bike in really hard can infact be better for it. But that said, i believe that if his theory is true, manufactures are probably aware of that fact, however manufactures don't make money of spare parts if nothing fails! If a bike blows smoke, they take it to a dealer and the dealer fits new piston and rings hence giving honda/yamaha or whoever money from spare parts sales?

Its a matter of great debate, i just think maybe run the bike in however you see fit.

As was said before, these bikes are from china, hence crappier tolerances on engine parts etc etc, maybe thats why people aren't having problems when they run their bike in hard, but that said, you don't see racers running their bikes in slowly! I DON'T KNOW!!!! Its all to hard!!!!

HHAHAAHAHHAHA. Asians are (and i'm not being racist, its just from what i've seen) the WORST drivers EVER.
i think its to do with the heat generated by running it in hard, not how many strokes. and as use said it will expand with greater heat thus making the engine "seal" better??? i realy dont no but it kinda makes sence

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