usd fork seal/tyre/paining/more questions.

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mad man

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2006
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On my thumpstar the like fork seal on the left hand side has gone. one is like oily and nice and the other one is hell dry. what can i do? will anything happen?


Punchured my back tyre. i think the hole might be pretty big because it went flat in 2 minuites when i pumped it up. Where can i get a new tube or should i just get a puncture kit and fix it? It shouldn't be to hard to take it off and put the new tube in.

I need new hand grip things, so i think the normal ones will fit all right? stock thumpstar bars. It should'nt be hard to take them off? because i will just peal them off??? and puting new ones on wont be to hard then?


I picked up there U.F.O hand guards that will fit my thumpstar only $10 from a mate. It has some pretty deep scartches and a few little ones. What should i do to them? Dad thinks i need to sand them down or something but wouldnt that make them scratch more?? I will be spraying them black after i do this.

Fith. (finally last)

My back white plastic bit that covers the exhaust has kind of broken off one lug that holds it on. the other one is still connected, how should i keep it on? should i get some glue or something? what type should i use?

Thanks guys really needed help. Haven't Done maintenance in a long time. When i'v dont all these things and my bike is really clean i will post some pics of me on it and the bike. Thanks in advance =-S
you dont want your forks oily. If their oily then your fork seals are ******.

new inner tube off ebay $13 delivered

grips off ebay aswell

sand with really fine grit sandpaper then do a couple of coats... there going to get scratched again anyways, thats what there for.

just wait till it snaps off and buy new. Could try alot of different glues, pop rivets etc but in the end plastics are cheap enuf.
hmmm kk that kind of gives answers to everything. I want to keep it clean for a while. I will make my track soon when the tractor is going. Thanks
Ok. i Put the hand grips on. I'm geting the paint in the morning then i will paint my hand guards. After i have my wheel back on and hand guards on i will take some pics n stuff.
thump fork seal.

No idea has no idea. I have seen many thumstar forks and if they are dry then they are rooted. You need to pull the forks out and service them before the brown coating wears off the leg. whem the leg goes dry and scratches through the coating then they are rooted.
You need to get them service by o proffesional. Give boxy a call he can do it.
When oil is pissing out of your fork seals and hence making the forks oily then they are no longer sealing. If their purpose is to seal the oil in then wouldnt this justify them being 'rooted'?

If your forks are oily, there going to be picking up dirt and sand and thats going to rip your seals apart even quicker...

Your right tho sixeven, its a job for a professional.
Your forks should be coating the down tubes with a thin film of oil. The fork wipers will take care of the dust. Inevitably the grit will get the better of the seals and they will need renewing every couple' a years. Thats how they work. The main thing as sixeven said is they don't go dry and start to score the tubes.
The "seals" on a thumpstar aren't seals for the oil anyway. they are dust seals. That chinese foor design came from mountain bike stuff which isn't full oil bath type cartridge fork. They have a sealed internal unit and require regular top ups of 50mls of oil to lubricate the legs. NOW you know something about thumpstar forks
the black seal thing under the gold usd fork had sliped down out of place some how. I slid it back up and put the wire bit around it to hold it on.

On is perfect and the other one is a bit dodgey. I think i have got it right. ahh

I hope dad got the spray paint!!!

oh and as for wait till the pastics snap off. There is only one lug holding the exhaust cover one on. I don't wanto spend 50 on new plastics ect. I will try super glue it or something :D. Hand guards will look good on a black and white bike. My friend (bit rich) has two kx250f's (one his bro's he at bordin school) and a thumpstar with green plastics and hand guards And then a klf220 4 wheeler. man his shed looks awsum. lol
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Drill two small holes in the guard and two small holes on the other guard and cable tie them together, thats what ive done and holds up well..


Just get a new tube from a bike shop , $8-$15 depending on brand any more than that your getting ripped off.


Yes , any standard moto grips will be fine upto $25 pair


Can be a pain in the arse if you dont know what your doing .. pull them apart clean or replace the dust cap seals and grease them up good, the fork seals are innside the forks ... Left side has 2 springs covered with grease and the right side is the oil dampen side with the fork seals ... if its leaking you'll need new seals , otherwise dont bother touching it. unless you want to change the weight of the oil in that side..
hey again.

Hand guards.

Left and side one on. Looks ok but its a bit scratched. Right hand on i need to mod it a bit so it will fit. I got them cheep they were off my mates kx85 b4 he sold it. (Geting some stickers for them to hot it up a bit :p)


I took it to the motorbike shop (yamaha) they put the tube in for me, only cost $20 wich wasn't to much considering it was done in one day and was fitted for me.


Yes, i got some from the yamaha shop also. Only cost $22. They are quiet fancy i think.


Yes, everything is sorted. At the bottom of the U.S.D fork on the left (i think) the wire bit on the outside that held this little kind of seal thing on had gone missing. I just made a new one out of wire. Works good i think.

when i have stickers and got everything on i will take some pics. hehe
$20 fitted thats mint... Its a real pain in the arse fitting 10" and 12" tires, nearly allways pinch a tube if your not on the ball.. I can do my rears not a problem but the front 12" ... tyre shop that baby i gave up after 5 pinched tubes.
yeh, i though i would get them to do it rather then me stufing up and stressing over it. Yes only $20 i gave them my tyre they put it in and i picked it up and put it back on. I am a bit lazy i think i will get stickers after school. Though i have footy training and put them on. I will take a pic soon i promise lol

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