What is this trick? Is it even a trick?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA

My dad said he saw some guy do this. I don't know if it's true or not.

He said he saw in FMX a guy do a jump... His bike kept on going straight in the air but the ACTUAL RIDER did a front flip?

Has anyone ever heard of this before??
Rofl, never heard of that.. sounds insane.. How the hell would he launch himself to do a front flip though? stand on the seat or something.. maybe your dads just retarded
heard of a guy do it into foam
and benox you could get the propoltion off the lip of the jump standing on the foot pegs
you just gotta be dumb enough to try it

it's sure not gunna be me

p.s sidney prove it
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i find it hard enough to do a front flip :p but while your in the air and controling you bike... maybe not??
i think its called a varial flip or somethin i seen a guy do one on a tramp bike but he did a backflip instead of a frontflip
you sure he wasn't talking bout chuck corrothers or however you spell his last name. when he did the carolla (body varial) at x games? where he goes back like he's doing a double grab and kinda like barrel rolls. that is the only thing i can think of.
you sure he wasn't talking bout chuck corrothers or however you spell his last name. when he did the carolla (body varial) at x games? where he goes back like he's doing a double grab and kinda like barrel rolls. that is the only thing i can think of.

Now that was the sickest thing I have ever seen, He looks like he is gunna just do a rock solid, and then did a barrel roll, and pulled it off.
He also dislocated his shoulder while doing it. Still managed to grab the seat and pull himself back up to grab the bars.
Apparently he had been practicing it at Pastrana's place the month before and jokingly said he was gunna do it in the next comp he was in...lol
P.S Sid, I thing your old man was having a lend of you.
back when i was big into the FMX i useto dream of like doing a bar hop but continue'n around for a sort of back flip over the bars but a front flip!!!! tell your dad to lay of the wacky weed.... lol
narr thats a body varial not a flip
Ive been doing those for years. My latest trick involves the bike doing a back filp and I do a front flip at the same time they suck to pratice as I dont have a foam pit and have to flat land on some concrete.
Ive been doing those for years. My latest trick involves the bike doing a back filp and I do a front flip at the same time they suck to pratice as I dont have a foam pit and have to flat land on some concrete.

lmao^^^ please get some footage for us.
Ok guys I've found an animation of the trick I'm talking about.

The guy on the yelloww bike does it as his 2nd trick

Stick Death

PS: It's a pretty good animation lol
I just realised that that link does not go straight to the animation. Scroll down a tiny bit and the animation is called "MOTOX"

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