whipper snipper problems

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Active Member
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Pacific Pines
Hey guys don't know if this is the right section but having problems with my whipper snipper.

It idles fine but when you pull the throttle in all the way it dies, it starts to die when you pull the throttle in over half way, i have tried playing with the idle screw but it has not done anything. Any help would be very greatly appreciated.

Cheers Jared
ah, two banger carbies:) should be a simple diaphgram one.

if so, it has a H(hi) and L(lo) needle.

turn every needle in then out 2.5 turns. if it will stay running, give it full throttle, then slowly tun the H in, til it peaks, then back out 1/8 turn

for the low, set it to idle a little faster, then same deal...til it peaks then back off 1/4-1/4 turn. then set idle screw.

fir5st thing id do though... clean the carb...be careful splitting it as the diaphgrams will want to break...

and hold the diaphgrams up to the light, make sure they dont have any holes...theyre usually the cause of bad running. (the black rubber sheets between each alloy part) either they have holes or the valve flaps arent working cause of grit etc...

could even be just a loose manifold/leaky gasket, hole in a fuel line,etc...simple, and fun to fiddle with anyway:)
exactly what headsmess said
but ive never seen a hole in a diaphragm on a wipersnipper/chainsaw sized carby
but they do go hard and wont flex to open the fuel needle or sometimes allow it to close ( causes flooding ) what you can do is hold the sides of the diaphragm and push-pull on the center and if it makes a kind of clicking sound you need a new kit or even if its stiff i can make it hard to start again
even if it tuned in fine when hot

most diaphragm kits cost about $18-25 depending on carb

about the leacky gaskets if its a homelite check the gasket betwene the cylinder and crankcase
the bolts come loose and it buggers the gasket and starts to pull the threads
and while your at it strip the carby down and clean it in petrol and if you have it with compressed air (air compressor) and get all the gunk out.
i work at a mower shop so i have an idea. basically it will just be your carby that needs to be tweeked and cleaned.
and while your at it strip the carby down and clean it in petrol and if you have it with compressed air (air compressor) and get all the gunk out.
i work at a mower shop so i have an idea. basically it will just be your carby that needs to be tweeked and cleaned.

its amazing how many people on the same forums i visit work at a mower or boat shop aswell haha

oh watch out for the one way valves with the compressed air :D
if you bugger them throw the carb in the bin
thanks for all your help guys, specially headsmess, as it 12:44 ill try it in the morning, haha

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