Wich carby please help!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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lil old littlehampton, SA
I have an 04 thumpstar 110. what size carby has it got 24mm? 25mm? idont know i was thinking of getting a bigger 28mm? 26mm? one will this give me mutch more preformance? will i nead a new manifold? I was also looking at getting a high compression piston what are your views on that is ther a cheaper way of getting more power??
couldnt go up to much seeing it hasnt had any work done... you could possibly go to 25mm...

pull off ur carby and measure the diameter of the inlet or outlet... im unsure which one would tell you but im assuming it would be one of the 2
i took it of and measured it its a 25mm and the manifold has been grinded out from a 20mm to a 25mm

The new bike i am getting only has a 22mm carbie. i have an option of getting a 25mm mikuni, or a 28mm mikuni, both with matching sized manifolds. wat would be the best option?
28mm is too big unless you have serious mods and bigger cc's.

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