Would i need a new CDI??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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lil old littlehampton, SA
I no ive been asking alot of questions but isnt that what a forums for. I want to by a Lifan 125 for my Thumpstar 110 and i dont know if i need a different CDI or ignition coil. any help would be good!
Nooooooooooooo, search the forums or google before asking stupid questions. Sorry to be harsh
hey there could be a difference in there cdi plug connectors.
Could be but i doubt it as nearly all china bikes are identical CDI connectors
had a close look to a CDI at elstar for there agb29... they looked identical to mine in everyway... of course mine was dirtier :)
So in saying that the CDI for a china bike's are the same....

Can you use a CDI from a CT110 to run a lifan 125?
seeing there based on the honda engines.... then it might be possible to run em... id ask someone who has done a conversion in a postie
in same boat. 110 has been playin up and want to replace with 125. Does lifan or ducar bolt straight into 110 engine brackets, run with stock carby etc. or is it not as simple as it seems. have stock '03 thumpstar.
well i just got a 125 lifan off ebay tonight and I ride a postie to work everyday.
So will have to wait till I give the swap ago and then we'll both know!!
I asked earlier last week about bolting straight in, got told "it should" guess i'll be the guinea pig on this one.
You all will have to wait a couple of weeks to see how it goes, going on holiday's!! Singapore :)
Don't think so

Why won't it work? I'm not a mechanic but the CDI just sends the spark at the right time? Doesn't it??

I always thought the "high" preformance CDI just had a better(higher voltage) spark?

Any auto electricians on here?
So in saying that the CDI for a china bike's are the same....

Can you use a CDI from a CT110 to run a lifan 125?

Yeh shoould, chinese CDI's can be used on 50's, 110's and 125s, i have used the same cdi on my 125cc pitbike and on my 110cc monkey bike. So i'm sure the cdi from the postie will work
ha. like the guinea pig bit postie. might just balls out n do it too. let us know how ya go..... think my frame might be a bit diff to postie bike thats my only concern, gettin the engine on. as for the rest (cdi,carb etc.) thats just simply bolt on new sh*! till it gets going.
I no ive been asking alot of questions but isnt that what a forums for. I want to by a Lifan 125 for my Thumpstar 110 and i dont know if i need a different CDI or ignition coil. any help would be good!

Trashthumpy: Keep a few things in mind before you ask another question:
1. Forums are meant to exchange information and ideas. If you have a question, by all means feel free to post.
2. There are hardly any stupid questions. The mere fact that you dont know, needs an answer. There will always be people to help. Keep in mind that part of the beauty of having a forum is whenever a question is answered, it wont only be you who will benefit from the contribution but others who have wondered about the same thing. Even the most experienced forum member continue to learn some new things each day.
3. Having said the encouragement above, it will always help to search the forum first. This way, it will avoid seemingly harsh comments about the simple (or so-called stupid) question.

Now sorry for the prolonged post and back on the topic, I believe another CDI of the same 5pin socket will be compatible with either the 90/110/125/138 or whatever. What I actually have is a coil with a built-in CDI. I wouldnt say it's got better performance but just to point out that there's such a thing.
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Any 12V crank CDI will be fine, CT110 Postie bike, CT70, Monkey Bike, CRF50, Aftermarket Units and China ones... You just need to get the wire's the right way around and that its... The China CDI's have there own plug setup and you can get converters ... China to Honda CRF50 for $25

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