125cc project

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not a hundred percent on this but ive heard that the electric start puts excess strain on your engine and your better off pulling the starter motor out of em? if im wrong im sure someone will chime in telling me so lol.
bike should be sweet when shes finished mate well done

nah, doesn't put any extra strain on it, it actually saves your kickstart shaft/gears from failing early.
it's just the starter motors or starter relays that fail sometimes
i have only had 1 starter fail in the dune buggy (electric start only) in just over 1000 km's driving, it cost me $35 for another.
fair enough mate i was misinformed... my boys electric start gave out after 20hrs ridin mind u it was a 700 dollar bike brand new so i didnt expect 2 much quality from it. even with regular servicing (new oil every 5hrs and valve clearances done or checked every 10) he blew it up after 37hrs riding i ended up selling the entire bike for 40 bucks lol
Hi all , I will see if the electric start works when the battery is changed and if it doesn't I will rip it all out :)

Also I put the forks on and the front wheel and it's pointing to the left a little :/ Any way to fix it ?? I had trouble lining up the bar mounts and tri clamps so i guess that mixing parts is bad because they are all different.. but the front is on and looking nice.
to align the forks

loosen the bolts on the bottom of the tripples
stand on the side of the bike and look across the front faces of the forks,
then adjust the forks by hoding the wheel between your legs and turn the bars a little,
adjust it so that when you look across the front faces of the forks they are both square, and level with each other.
then tighten the bottom bolts again
damn you got it again! ;)
when re-tightening the triples, try and do it a evenly as possible.when you tighten 1 side, the other side will need tightening. progressively tighten them with smaller turns eachtime until there tight. beleive me a broken triple camp is fing annoying!
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Yeah it looks pretty straight but it could be better :)

I found a new problem -_- what made me think I could get a crap pit bike and use all the parts in the shed to build a good one. Getting over it ay.

So I painted the lever and caliper and put it all back on to find out that the bolts are catching the brake disk.. No big problem .. so I got some smaller bolts that are left over and put them on.. Cleared the brake disk but it was also catching on the caliper -_- I think the new brake mounts are just a bit smaller and it's now catching. I'm pretty sure I have a smaller brake disk in the shed but it's still another problem. Who needs brakes any way :) I have never had a set on my other bikes.
haha^ then your chain comes off one day and u pull the front or back break in and your like holy crap! its happened to me before! i always try and keep atleast the front going, that way if there is an emergency i can stop. and dont worry about your bike dude, i have had so many people say i have a crap bike, and it used to get to me, and for a while i didnt like my bike becasue of it, but then i just decided not to care about what other people thought of it and made it look and go as nice as it could! and all of a sudden it wasnt just another crap bike. keep persevering dude, it'll turn out great! you just gotta keep a positive frame of mind, in life and bikes! :)
Hi all , I have done a bit more on the motor bike. I have finished painting almost all of it. I cleaned all the rust off the rims with a wire bush wheel and primed and painted it. I also did the centers silver again. I only need to do the engine cover and a few touch ups. I have new plastics on there way and the rear axle and then it should be all back together. I went and got some more supply's and got to work




I also fitted up the new front. I brought it way back for my last pit bike and it was only fitted for a few months. I forget the brand but they are upside down forks that are a lot stronger then the stock ones, BSE polished aluminium tri clamps, high rise bar mount, and a set of protaper bars. I gave the tri clamps a bit of a polish with a polish bit for a drill but I need a better compound.


I also got to the wiring and got the electric start working. It was a mission and a half but it now works. I took the switch off the brake that stops it from starting with out the brake pulled on. I also took off the key barrel because it was broken and had been cut from the loom. I by passed the key barrel and put a second kill switch in it's place. So now you just flick the kill switch and push the button on the handle bars.

I cut all the old tape off and cleaned up the wires and connectors and then wrapped them all in a protective cover to keep them nice and neat. I run all the wires under the fuel tank and seat so when it's all back together, you won't be able to see much wiring.


I'm only waiting on an axle before I can ride it and then some more cosmetic things. More coming soon
I got the wire bush wheels out again and took all the old paint off the engine cover and painted it. I took out the inspection plugs so they have stayed chrome but I might polish them or paint them silver. I think I have some spare ones that look a bit better. I will get better photos tomorrow and when I clean the engine off. It's pretty dusty at the moment.


I only need to fit the fuel tank, seat , plastics, back rim, chain and fix the clearance problem with the brake caliper. Because of the new forks, the caliper is sitting a little to far forward and it's now catching the brake disk, So I might swap it out with a smaller one if I have one there or just take a few mm off with the grinder.

I'm still waiting on the axle and it should be here any day now. Same for the plastics. I ordered some stickers and a few bling bits to put on it. It starts first time and runs so good. I will post up some videos when I get it all back together.

I'm thinking I shouldn't hook the electric start up because it's at least $50 for a battery and it's not really needed.

I will post up more when parts get here :) Thanks for reading
Hi all , The axle come today so I put the bike together. I put the old chain on because the new one is the wrong size and I got new bolts for the chain tentioners , aligned the front forks , fitted the exhaust bracket,air filter , back wheel and clutch cable and lever.

I still need to swap over the kick start, fit the new plastics when they come , change the seat bottom over , bash plate and a few things.

I went for a small ride and it was running lean and back firing so I took it home and made the mixture a bit more rich and it went a lot better. I road it for about 20 minuets and it went really well.

I need to change the sprockets because it's geared really low, first is almost useless and second is so short. So I will see what I have in the shed and change them. I think my old ones fit the new chain any way so it should be a little win. If not I will need to cut a bit out of this chain. It takes off fast but has no top end.. I was looking for another gear. It has enough power but I need to do something with the sprockets.

There was only a few things that need fixing after a ride, I lost the kick start because I didn't have the bolt in it but I was going to change it with the other one but then the bolt snapped on it, So I will change it over tomorrow. The bars come loose so I will get some lock tight and do them up. There is an exhaust leak where the muffler joins to the pipe so I might swap the exhausts over. I also noticed the shock is upside down so I will take it off and put it the right way :) Might wind in some more height and stiffness while i'm at it.

Should have the plastics soon and the stickers, i'm thinking about painting the frame again because i'm not loving the grey.

I'm thinking this bike had a hard life before I brought it because it was covered in rock hard mud and not kept in very good condition. Also the back tire is almost nothing so i'm thinking a few burn outs have been done. The blown motor just finishes it off and I really think it's been flogged. But all the parts I have used are in good condition so it doesn't really bother me.

More soon
Nice man, good to see some progress! the wheels came up a treat! the black nipples are a good touch :)
i think the standard gearing on them is 15/43 on 428 pitch? i dunno, i threw my sprockets out a looooong time ago, lol.
with the rear shock, you want about 45mm sag when you sit on it.
otherwise you end up with a sore back after a day's riding.

and i noticed you might want to polish up the rust off the chrome, on the fork lower stanchions, or it will chew out the fork seals

with the gearing,
sounds like you could fit a 3 or 4 tooth bigger front sprocket to give you more speed out of each gear.
I forget how to do sprockets. I think the front is 14 and the rear is about 55. I have a smaller rear sprocket in the shed or an even bigger on that's on there now. I don't have another front one though but they are cheap to buy. It's just all down low power :/ Any advice would be great. I will paint the swing arm again while the wheel is off. I'm not liking the grey.

For the forks, I took all the rust off them but there is still a few marks , whats the best way to get rid of it , just sand it out ??

I didn't get any parts today but they should be here next week. I need to get off the kick start and fit the bash plate still.
with sprockets, the bigger the front the more top speed and the smaller the rear the more top speed, vise-versa. for your forks sanding would not be a good idea, as it scrapes of the chrome hardening wich is there to stop rust. the way i tried on my forks was to take them out and spend atleast an hour onthem with steel wool and alot of elbow grease! but even after you get rid of that rust it will come back in the same spots unless you have a thin layer of oil from riding on it. but if your planning on not riding for ages , i usually spray fish oil on my forks and shock, as it sets and slows down rust. there are probably way more effective ways of getting rust off forks, but i always do that and it works out :)
so if I keep the front how it is and put on my small rear one , I will get more top speed ?

And yeah I didn't store them properly. I might get the steal wool out :)
yes exactly. although i hasvmnt seen any sprockets around that fir that bolt configuration, i had to buy a new wheel with s sprocket i knew i could get more of if needed. you could go down to a 41 tooth, or 39 or if you want massive top speed the a 37 :)

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