Hi all , The axle come today so I put the bike together. I put the old chain on because the new one is the wrong size and I got new bolts for the chain tentioners , aligned the front forks , fitted the exhaust bracket,air filter , back wheel and clutch cable and lever.
I still need to swap over the kick start, fit the new plastics when they come , change the seat bottom over , bash plate and a few things.
I went for a small ride and it was running lean and back firing so I took it home and made the mixture a bit more rich and it went a lot better. I road it for about 20 minuets and it went really well.
I need to change the sprockets because it's geared really low, first is almost useless and second is so short. So I will see what I have in the shed and change them. I think my old ones fit the new chain any way so it should be a little win. If not I will need to cut a bit out of this chain. It takes off fast but has no top end.. I was looking for another gear. It has enough power but I need to do something with the sprockets.
There was only a few things that need fixing after a ride, I lost the kick start because I didn't have the bolt in it but I was going to change it with the other one but then the bolt snapped on it, So I will change it over tomorrow. The bars come loose so I will get some lock tight and do them up. There is an exhaust leak where the muffler joins to the pipe so I might swap the exhausts over. I also noticed the shock is upside down so I will take it off and put it the right way

Might wind in some more height and stiffness while i'm at it.
Should have the plastics soon and the stickers, i'm thinking about painting the frame again because i'm not loving the grey.
I'm thinking this bike had a hard life before I brought it because it was covered in rock hard mud and not kept in very good condition. Also the back tire is almost nothing so i'm thinking a few burn outs have been done. The blown motor just finishes it off and I really think it's been flogged. But all the parts I have used are in good condition so it doesn't really bother me.
More soon