Thanks my67xr , that drawing is mad

Exactly what I had in mind. I'm going to layer them up some how. I found some ok looking mulisha stickers but i'm getting stuck picking colours to go with it. I'm super fussy when it comes to stuff like this. It's hard to get a good green colour that's not overly expensive though.
Took the bike for another ride yesterday and it went so good. Didn't have one problem with it. The chain has stretched a little bit but that's ok because the back sprocket is so close to the chain guide. I also really need those bushes for the rear shock. The ones in there now are almost totally gone and it makes the ride a bit stiff. I'm keen to make a jump for it

I haven't really jumped a bike before but keen to give it a try. It's just hitting a lump of dirt at speed so you get air born right ? ahah
The peewee is still stick

I don't know what's wrong with it. I think it might be running a bit rich again but it's not going so well. Poor peewee mustn't like my 85kg frame on it
But yeah, not much going on with the moto atm. Just riding it and having fun. I'm wanting some more power, it's kinda fast and takes off quick but some more power can't hurt

It's a lot faster then other pit bikes I have had. Oh and it's wasn't a cf moto that we raced , it was a 400cc yamaha grizzly auto.Still can't believe my bike won
Thanks for reading