150cc Problem:Popping out of gear.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2009
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Hi everyone..
About 7months ago i started to get into riding..
I bought a TORQUE 150cc Pit bike
Its a pretty good bike runs well but i am having problems with the gears.
The bike is popping out of gear and is really annoying when ridin in the bush.
The gears are also very hard to select.
ANY help with regards to the soloution to my problem would be GREAT!
Anyone who has had a similar experience with their bike and could help me out, that would also be great.
eg. see GPX 1d3u false neutral fix with SDG/Lifan star? - Planet Minis

You could either crack it open and check it out, or just go buy a new engine.

Chances are high the gearbox is screwed. The china gear boxes can be pretty delicate when new. When new needing frequent oil changes to dump the metal savings, as the hard corners on everything are rounded over. When new they also need gentle (clutch in firm click) shifting.
How many hours of riding would it be before the gearbox begins to loosen up and you can change without using the clutch? On a 150 Lifan?
ok thanks numroe..

Shing, after about 12hrs riding is when the problem started.


short.y you might find an broken whole engine, which if you are lucky has the parts you need in working order. If your 150 if a Lifan, then the Lifan 140 gearbox will have most gearbox parts in common.

Shing, It's not just clutch usage which defines being careful. It's also an issue of how much engine load is happening while shifting. I mean roll off the throttle when upshifting.

I reckon the china gearboxes probably need at least 5 oil changes, each one after about 2 hrs, before you can start to ride semi-normally. 2 hrs is no long but you should see the crap that comes out - which you dont want circulating too much. The stock lifan 150 has the metal strainer type oil filter, which at least catches the big pieces before they do too much harm. But even with the frequent oil drains, IMHO it just takes considerable careful usage to wear in the gear and shift parts nicely. Even then you could get unlucky if some pecker head in the factory allowed a dud part into your engine and/or put parts in a bit sloppy.

I was pretty gentle on my 150 lifan for about the first 6 hrs, then I started having too much fun and hammering it a bit too much. At about 15 hrs (rough guess) it started finding neutral between 3rd and 4th. I'll have to crack it open. I've still got my old 140 for spare parts.
just thrash the **** out of em from the word go!!!! toughen em up:) molly coddling the lil bastards just makes for pansy engines in later life! beat them! beat them i say! didnt you watch 300? and leaving em in the freezer if it doesnt snow is ok:)

though theres abuse as compared to good parenting.... so.... na!, who gives a rats arse? make em work!!!!! but if you beat em too hard...well... thats youre fault... now you got a psycho on your hands that needs hospitalisation and assessment and then treatment...all at great cost to yourself....

um...help? im not the nrma....

My guess is that the gear selector is stuffed. I bought one for my youngest son a Torque 125cc and a 150cc with a zongshen motor. I have totally pulled the casing apart to find out that the gear selector is worn. It didn't work well even at the start. I am hoping to track down another selector which I am finding so difficult. Most people only stock Jap parts and other thumpstar parts that are not Chinese. If anyone can help I would be much appreciated. I hope to get one machined up once I find the part because the originals are only made of cheap mild steel. I wish I had forked out a little more cash for a Jap bike now... GRRRR!
try bending out the shift star pawl spring, and deepening the pockets of the star first.

helped my false neatrals and popping out of gear.

dont shave too deep though, some stars arent a star shape, mroe of a blob ,
im having the same problem with my daytona that im YET to fix been lazy lol........i get a false neutral between 2nd and 3rd, is this a shift drum issue?

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