17.5 hp mini motard!

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check out bureau of meterology the radar shows the rain leaving.
they wont run the dirt either.
well...don^t want to bust the general bubble but 17.5hp on the rear wheel without a bigvalve head??:rolleyes:

Another example that dynos are highly argueble!:p
well...don^t want to bust the general bubble but 17.5hp on the rear wheel without a bigvalve head??:rolleyes:

Another example that dynos are highly argueble!:p

I agree 100 percent we had 7 runs in a row with over 17hp so that's good enough for me :) Also all my dyno runs are done in thrid gear, as recomended by Dyno Dynamics. 4th gear runs were all around the 16hp mark :)
I agree 100 percent we had 7 runs in a row with over 17hp so that's good enough for me :) Also all my dyno runs are done in thrid gear, as recomended by Dyno Dynamics. 4th gear runs were all around the 16hp mark :)
but on the screen is written fourth gear:confused:
and what correction factor did they use??
thats why it's good to get a baseline stock engine run, it's not about what hp you get, it's hp gained above stock on that particular dyno, dynos aren't comparable, my car runs 40kw difference between dynos of the same brand in melbourne.
everyone of my runs have been done on the same dyno by the dyno guys there. I'm not involved in anyway so results are consistant. If i understand it corectly the only corection done auto is air temp but i could be rong. last runs were 11.4 (all runs are videoed and on utube :)

4gear, no idea they didn't change notes on the computer perhaps, no idea - i fix computers not run dynos :) i'll scan the print out and you'll see that max speed in thrid is only like 70 km/hr top gear was 92 km/hr
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Great work either way mate, lookin forward to seeing a vid of it in action. +Reps for all the work and how far you have come with this bike.

Can we expect to see some similar results to this 17hp monstermoto tard in action?

YouTube - Supermoto pitbike Race!

I have some footage from the track today, was guys with 22hp motors they were fantastic riders and i enjoyed the chase ( Australia's best motoard racers :) )

its all off a mobile phone so it's a tad shaky but i'll see if i can get some good snippets out of it, if not i'll upload it all.
so you basically gained 6 hp from port matching +cam, thats going by the youtube specs, unless theres some secret sauce in the motor?
but it looks like it'll rip no doubt.
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1. Spark Plug Denso (or NGK can't really remember) > Iridium
2. Cam (different grind apparantly)
3. Port matching (more/better)
4. Removing exhaust gasket and portmatching ( I have two of the same exhausts, i cut the end off the 2nd exhaust and made a nice fit for the exhaust only about 1mm was taken from round the rim of the exhaust port & about 3 mm deep.)
5. Different jeting on carbie
6. Different rubber mount for the VM24 in turn it was match ported to the inlet 2mm overlap was removed from inlet.
6. new piston & rings (std 57mm flat top) high comp one sucked valves touched the piston.
7. I think different gearing (might have been a 12t on front > this run was 13t on front
8. Different type of coil and lead
9. Valve springs, changed inner HD vavle springs too std ones
10. Different timing
11. Straped bike to dyno not just held it in place (does that count ..lol)
12. Different head gasket?? not really sure if i had the .5mm one in or the std one.
13. 100 octane juice with octain booster

and yes all my motors die, is just a matter of time.
Doing those runs i blew two holes in the oil lines, & did the head gasket - so i didn't get out of it scott free. But still fun :)

All this is from memory as last run was ages ago, don't flame me if i missed or doubled up on something.

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