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yeah i edited your title, it helps people find a related article if they are doing a search

when you go to replace the forks, what i did with mine is pulled them down and used the best bits from both set to make one good set.
the valving in the bottom of mine was pretty clogged up too, made a big difference with new oil and open ports in them.
are the rear shock /linkage boots good, when i pulled mine apart for a regrease everything was still like new.
the rear fender has a rubber mudflap extension that helps keep mud etc off the rear shock and linkages too.
i put some angled cuts diagonally across my brakes shoes to help them grab, it pulls up quick now.
while you have the expansion chamber off, cook the carbon/oil out of it on a gas burner, or use a gas torch and a compressor blowing air through it at the same time
my DS would only just get to half throttle before cleaning/burning it all out.
I can honestly say the only rear susp part that was worn was the bushings for the swingarm replaced them the front forks are def getting pulled apart and cleaned (I'm kindof ocd and meticulous idk I kinda like the extra work why maybe I'm crazy idk lol) that's a great idea to cook out any unburnt carbon and oil I'm prob by next year retrofitting a new fmf fatty and powerbomb two but it will help for now. I've got a new setup for the rear fender and some fine tuning to come but it works and I have an extra black flap to cover keeping the susp and intake clean

Sent from my C5155 using Tapatalk
When one has access to a welder and a good knowledge of metalworking the finished products are endless lol.

Sent from my C5155 using Tapatalk
Front forks are in they are like new with a lil rust and function well!!!!!!!

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The rear fender is where ill finally leave it lol. Its getting reshaped a tiny bit since then and I have a guard for the suspension separate from that as I'm stubborn cheap and I like the look of the semi wide rear fender.

Sent from my C5155 using Tapatalk
It still needs new tires been eyeing some irc's I really wish they made trials tires this size I mean rim dia the width ect fan be fabricated

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Lol I promise it will look better when I'm done I'm getting rel nit picky again I want it to look nice lol so I'm prob gonna find the right plastics for it

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Anyone know where to find good plastics? I need the two side covers (num plates) and possibly the rear fender. Also kindof hoping to find the black and yellow seat they had on these for a few years.

Sent from my C5155 using Tapatalk

Previous owner broke off bolts for the seat so in turn I have to either drill em out or make new ones cut the old off and weld em on

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Ok removed the fenders again to clean the front one up and only holding onto the homemade rear one till I find one for rides. The engine is mostly done new wiseco wrist pin bearing piston rings and gaskets. Slightly ported shaved the head cleaned the crankcase and gearbox out. Getting ready to repaint covers and put it all together. Pics to come but I'm really hoping for it to come out looking decent it was a real beater when I got it.

Sent from my C5155 using Tapatalk
It's coming along nicely now buddy.

Can't wait to see it finished.

Thanks for the update. :)
i found a new old stock rear fender at a motorbike dealer for mine, got it cheap too.
i had a trimmer redo my seat too, $70 in leather with a matching bar pad cover.
ebay is your best bet for the number plates, might be lucky and find some NOS ones.
Suzuki was pretty cheap for brand new fenders/plates for the JR50 too
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Nobody has my spec num plate I guess its one fo those wait and see deals lol found a few 80s and 70s ones. The seat I have fabric for unless I find it in blue I was just hoping for an easy way out lol. Fender I did find but the num plates here nos were like $80 each side I'm hoping I find used.

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........I could mutter a few curse words right now lol. Besides the other parts missing from it the rear brake rod was bent all out of shape in a spiral but I still kept it figuring id straighten its like a sock in the dryer I can't find it even after tearing apart my two storage buildings. And thus comes the case of the dissapearing paycheck

Sent from my C5155 using Tapatalk
lol, i know the feeling !
i have about 6 bikes in various states of repair atm, and no designated/tidy area to do them all in
i'm always chasing parts/tools etc
if you get stuck finding a side panel i might have a spare here off one of my bikes.
are you wanting an original white one or ? think mine is faded yellow
i'll check out the condition etc and let you know, not sure how much postage would be ?

so have you checked out Goosemans' or my DS80 build threads yet ?
Yep I checked out goosemans they look pretty good. I'm not sure about the panels to be honest yet. My issue is I'm in the process of physically moving my whole little shop and some other personal issues came about when I started this bike I really don't wanna get into...ill just say it involved A LOT of stress and a girl. So idk what happened to what and where lol.

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. Gently wet sanding using scotch brite brillo pads. Actually worked well

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