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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2007
Reaction score
Toowoomba Qld
Ok basically the title explains it all, this is the place to post any pictures and videos that you may have taken or found.

I was at the Archerfield round for the morning practice 22nd March and brought a camera man along for the ride, there was also a few others with camera's that I saw so some other stuff should filter threw. I was not actually racing as I had other commitments for yesterday afternoon but had a ball at the practice anyway. There were riders from near and far, racers and just some out to have some fun, even had a first time MiniMotard rider out just to see what all the fuss was about. I have some alright footage from the morning and once I have had some time to edit it I will post away.

If anyone needs any help to post pictures or video let me know and I can guide you through.
Nice vid Spoony, now I want some pics....of me :p
sweet vid mate.

support australian hip hop :D

yeah look motard might be fun to do for a few laps but it's **** boring to watch

as for aussie hip hop it's crap imo
the hoods are ok i spose
but i was listenin to some pre fabricated crap from bliss 'n' esso man i'd much rather listen to dre or kmk or snoop over that crap

i mean the dudes cant even mix there own tracks as soon as i heard dr dre backing track in the second of there songs i had to turn the crap off

but looked like a good turn out for the day
but missed the dirt section
i was told everyone was running super softs and spent most of the day picken rock out of there tyres

yeah look motard might be fun to do for a few laps but it's **** boring to watch

as for aussie hip hop it's crap imo
the hoods are ok i spose
but i was listenin to some pre fabricated crap from bliss 'n' esso man i'd much rather listen to dre or kmk or snoop over that crap

i mean the dudes cant even mix there own tracks as soon as i heard dr dre backing track in the second of there songs i had to turn the crap off

but looked like a good turn out for the day
but missed the dirt section
i was told everyone was running super softs and spent most of the day picken rock out of there tyres


Hey coolmodee01, kind of interesting reply there and I am normally one for everyone should be allowed to express there opinion but I think most of that reply maybe should have been kept to yourself.

Everyone likes different things and music is definitely one of those, I prefer to only put Australian music as backing tracks in any video's I make, I also like the Hilltop Hoods hence the reason they were there.

As for boring to watch all depends, I would prefer to watch that then Moto GP or V8 Supercars. I may be a bit swayed because I am a rider and prefer to see what to aim for in my own discipline maybe ? From what I can tell everyone that was there riding and has seen the video liked it very much.

I am a bit disappointed that I missed out on the dirt section however they were not running it in the practice session that I was there for. Had prior engagements so was not even able to hang around and get some footage of the boys getting air. Was kinda hoping that someone else may have got pics or vids for later in the weekend.
i agree with u there spoon coolmodee seems to crticise everything
pit bike companys
Hey spoon, did u notice more 125cc or 140cc bikes?
Nice vid btw

Umm to tell the truth I didn't really notice what most people were running engine wise, was a fairly good field and most of the ground was made up under brakes and corner speed. I think a good rider on a decent bike regardless of 125 or 140 would have been competitive.
yeah look maybe i came across a little wrong due to rushing what i had to say
i apoligise
but as i implied motard is not my thing i do apreciate what you guys do its hard as to hold on to the black stuff hangin off the side of a pitty

but i cant say it's somthing i would persue as a sport as you maybe wouldn't ride dirt every chance you got for a couple of reasons ie setup and lack of interest

as for the boring bit it comes back to interest i can sit and watch a game of baseball but i find the game interesting
you might watch 5 mins and turn it off just the same as i fast forwarded your vid (though it was well made)
yes moto gp is boring at least you get position change in motard and some jumps

now the music thing
i like aussie music but i have no respect for bliss N esso because of lack of originality so directed at 50's bh i expressed my thoughts behind my coment in stead of just saying bliss n esso are ****
lets leave it at that

now duc buddy this is as you say a forum a forum is a place where you can voice your OPINION this is what i do i dont expect everyone to follow my word like a herd of sheep
but i do expect people to listen to mine and voice there own opiniun and try and respect where they come from

as for critisize evrything i hope i dont come across that way if i do tuff you will have to put up with my critisizem
because like everyone else here we critisize just about everyone that comes on here with there cheap ass orions and like of

um dont know where to go from here i mostly agree with spoon but duc i think you have been a little short in what you said

dunno guys im right now lost sorry
Hi all

i saw this thread and wasn't sure if it's only for minimotard pics from australia or worldwide

anyway..i'll post some of the belgian minimotard scene and hope you all enjoy.. and if it doesn't belong here feel free to delete or move them




Nice pics mate!

Awsome seeing/hearing mini motard from around the world!
Got any more pics/vids? Post em up
What kind of bikes u guys run? China 125/140cc?

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