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you will find the big wheel better suited out there anyways, thats the only thing that drives me nuts on my braaap, i went for a huge ride saturday, had been raining for a week and finally dried out. some of the ruts on the tracks i was riding were atleast 15cm deep, and were a nightmare to negotiate going up the steep as tracks.... i even had to turn around on one the hill climbs cause i just couldn't keep traction.
Yea, 14/12 pitbikes really feel the bumps, when I take the long ride at my place on the 125 I'm pretty sore afterwards, but when i go on the 250, I feel pretty good afterwards. But I have waaayyy more fun on the 125, its slow and getting on, but I can just wheelie that thing everywhere I go, lol.
Say goodbye little lifan!

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
yey, 1 less engine i have to work on...

You love nah cheers, I'm getting there. got someone keen on the pit pro roller and plastics for $160 and the lifan 150 for $50.... B-) will drop down in a bit just to say requests today!! I was going to say if you're keen ill grab the 54x54 lifan and see how I go by myself with that....1 more thing out of your hair!

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
so how did your custom/home made mixture screw tool go ?
I managed to make it backfire more!! Didn't work at all...I need leather gloves then I cant feel anything though...none of the manifolds I have fit! I'm scared to get the yx into second, plan on going two driveways and end up 200m down the road...going to be deadly on a track!

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
i think i know what is going on with the gearbox in that YX150.
i reckon when it's been rebuilt, that mechanic has used a 125 gear set.
the 125's had higher gearing as they have a bigger reduction ratio drive to the gearbox.
the 125's had a 2.8 first gear, where as the YX150's and a lot of other rear clutch engines have a 3.7 first gear.
if it has, then it would feel like it is taking off in between a 2nd and a 3rd gear, which is what it sounds like to me.

so fitting a 12T front sprocket would fix the problem, but may need a link to be taken out the chain for adjustment.
i think i have one here in my spares, will just have to find it and try it out

or you could leave it as it is,
and enter it in the Lake Gairdner Land Speed Trials, go for the worlds fastest 150cc 4 stroke single....:bolt:
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thats interesting, so if you wanted to get way more top end out of the bike ie for motarding road riding etc you can use a 125 gearset in a 150?
yeah something like that.
i'm not 100% sure on what gears they've used, it might be Ducar 125, Loncin 110 or something else ?
it is taking off slower, but when stu hit about 3500 rpm's the PitPro took off
he was doing a fair speed in 100m, and had only just changed into 2nd gear !!
i think i know what is going on with the gearbox in that YX150.
i reckon when it's been rebuilt, that mechanic has used a 125 gear set.
the 125's had higher gearing as they have a bigger reduction ratio drive to the gearbox.

or you could leave it as it is,
and enter it in the Lake Gairdner Land Speed Trials, go for the worlds fastest 150cc 4 stroke single....:bolt:

Yeah I think you're correct on that! The thing is surely faster than the 160 I was in fourth at the same driveway down the road with second on the yx...

Good idea about the land speed record...not sure how many single piston horizontal engines they'd get pity its so close!

Just to refresh my memory the mixture screw needs to be turned in or out to lean it?
wow that would make it difficult on the trails, spend most of your time clutching it in first lol i want to see it on the radar gun to see what it will do before you's put the 12 tooth on it ;)
wow that would make it difficult on the trails, spend most of your time clutching it in first lol i want to see it on the radar gun to see what it will do before you's put the 12 tooth on it ;)

Nah balls to the wall flat out in second!! :thumbup:

Only problem is finding somewhere I can get it flat in fourth....

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
did you tighten the exhaust at the head stu ? it might not be too rich ?

remind me next time you're down and i'll lend you one of my radar guns, take it up to Lynton
did you tighten the exhaust at the head stu ? it might not be too rich ?

remind me next time you're down and i'll lend you one of my radar guns, take it up to Lynton

You have radar guns?? Why does that not surprise me...yeah havnt tightened the exhaust bolts yet. Will do that tonight!

There was a bit of oil under the bike yesterday so tightened the banjo bolts for oil cooler which were a bit loose! Then the case bolts and one was too short so it pulled some thread out,found a slightly longer one on the spare, and put that in with some loctite and it held. Some of the case bolts weren't so tight also. So see if its dropped anymore oil when I get home today hopefully not!!

Yeah I screwed the mixture screw in 1/2 a turn and it wouldn't start so I think it is a little rich atm....basically flaming at idle with no throttle atm!!

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
Ill get a GPS path tracker for my phone that should tell me what a need to know! Will try get out for a ride as soon as ive sorted the mixtures out, the backyard is calling me...just don't want to wreck it to much rent is to cheap to be a ****!!! Still won't be long enough to get up real speed!

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
Oh I did header bolts all good...very loose! Leaned it out a bit. Started up went for a couple of laps up the rd it was surging in second bit weird so third was fine so was first! Ok might be chain so did that went to start it back up made bit of a crunching sound was idling horribly then stopped running and cant start it again :-/

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
Motor still has compression but f-n worried something in the gearbox went!!

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
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