2013 Atomik Fury 250cc Review/Build thread

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lol, green is great!!
Now all you need is green levers, green hubbed wheels, green foot pegs....

and blue is better!

I didnt know it was a special cable until you mentioned it!! I kinda looked at it and though...hmmm that might be aftermarket, then i thought nah just dodgy factory bling...but its NOT its actually aftermarket...see even you're teaching me things....now I really am worried!!! :LolLolLolLol:
lol, stu that is after market. the stock cable was too short for the 1/8 turn throttle, it was lifting the carb slide up, making the engine rev its head off.

thinking of grabbing some hand guards, sick of ruining levers and gloves!
the ones dhz arent to bad for the price, if they will fit your bars :) the z160 i have has the same carb, but i reckon il run the oko 26mm instead, i just dont like those mikuni copys
let me no what the quality is like, cause thats bloody cheap :). you should look at buying the keihin carb from akunar, they are only 80 bucks i think and the same quality as the 200 dollar pe's
yea, i saw them, i am still actually deciding what carb to get, lol. but i like the idea of a flatslide, but the keihin is cheaper....lol
the pe28 is a wicked carby, the one on my braaap is great, i wouldnt want a flat slide, especially with the 1/4 throttle. it would be just to twitchy imo
lol kinda like a 2 stroke! thats what i want it to be like :) so i think i'll go the 30mm oko, coupled with 1/8 turen throttle it'll be off the chains!!
lol the daytona is a weapon every where, i wish it was like a two banga cause then you could use the off band rev range to help with traction. even half throttle on a slippery corner rotates the back end no matter what gear your in.... probably wont get that sort of kick from the 250, but a properly tuned and jetted 30mm oko would have a huge top end wack i reckon.
yea, your poofy four valves.....:p

the rear and flies out alot on it, especially now with the 1/8 turn throttle! but yea, with the tuned OKO 30mm it'll be killer up top!
haha love it :) would be cool to see a cam upgrade go into that 250, do they make any? hi comp piston, hi lift cam w hd valve springs could just transform it. probably dont make that sort stuff for em i dunno
yea, my67xr was saying there is a heap of performance cams available. there are high comp pistons too. there is actually a surprising amount of performance parts for them!
hmmm maybe you need to investigate that a little further ;) would be so awesome to see one of these things done up enough to really scare the crf's
one of the recommended mods i read about was advancing the timing a little.
you take the stator off and file out the mounting holes 2mm more, apparently they fly after that.
still haven't found that web site again, but will look for it again when i have some spare time.
you could look into a shineray water cooled.... they go... from what ive heard... put a high comp piston in it, do some head work, ya 30 mm oko.... would make the crf's quiver!
yea, im not too fussed with getting a new engine. this one goes pretty well, and it has a ton of potential.

So advancing the timing will make a big difference hmm?? i'll have to investigate it further!
yea, im not too fussed with getting a new engine. this one goes pretty well, and it has a ton of potential.

So advancing the timing will make a big difference hmm?? i'll have to investigate it further!

Have you done all the easy bolt ons? I'd be looking at a decent exhaust. Thinking jap big bikes well a 250!! Or doesn't that do crap all on a Chinese 250?

Oh thats right all you've done is the amazing green throttle cable! Damn I'm funny.........
its all in the motion stu, OKO 30mm carb, uni filter, levers, handguards, rear shock, bars and advancing the timing after i hear a bit more about it. then maybe forks.

just gotta get the money. with money, anythings possible!! so i've learnt anyway!
as for exhaust, im still sussing that one out. a yz looks very similiar in bend, but the outlet is quite wide compared to the stock setup i have now. plus i think i've gotta mod the subfram, but thats easy as.

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