Banned ****** of the Century
Yep that's what the it says on the motor top number 1P52FMI, is that a good one? Yeah the carby says Japan T/A on it...Cool yeah I checked the frame out and its certainly 4130 good welds and massively thicker in the right places. Has like a box design down the whole rear of the frame where the swing arm joins, basically 5mm think I't certainly looks chunkier. Its lighter too only about 70kg. The brakes are better, has good bars. He said it bogs down sometimes too when you try to hold it open, I took it for a spin up the street and it needs the mixtures done at the very least, but really good compression
asked him about the jets in the carby, nah I just cleaned it he said. I'll give it a clean tomorrow, I think both the back plastics fell off when I was pulling it out in the dark.