26mm mikuni

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hey i was just wondering if this is the real deal or not,, i dnt know coz its ebay u dnt no wat to expect...

remember this question at the start of the thread? Its not the real deal thats already been answered. What we are now telling anybody who thiks they know more than this is that the hole through the centre is not bored 26mm all the way and if it was you would have holes where the slide goes. Just look through the carb and understand what I am saying, Horde did cause he stopped arguing with me about it! Fact; if you bought the carb in the pic then IT is NOT a 26mm mikuni REAL DEAL. Its a knockoff.
sixeven are you serious??? Check the "buy it now" price of the carb on ebay, its a 25mm. (genuine minuki's are not this price and we both know this) Thats all I was saying... Ok, YES!!!!!!!! its an oval bore carb, however, the original point here is that the carb is being sold as a 26mm when in fact we both know that its 25mm. Dont give a f%$k wether its oval bore or not, my main statement here was that its a 25mm. And henceforth its a 25mm case closed.... or is it?
check the pics, I think you'll be saddened to see its actually round, and my verniers tell me its round so therefore its round! And yes, it says mikuni on the carb, and yes its the same one from the original pic that started this thread.

case closed yet?!?

I reckon...

Remember this statement knucklehead horde. You just want to argue for the sake of arguing. Shut up the crap.
are you two finished..... you two fighting about this isnt needed, if you want to have a go PM one another and keep it out of the forums. the main point here is as Horde said its being advertised as a 26mm Mikuni Genuine, this is not the case and thus all you had to do was pass this information on to the original poster and all other members of the community that were interested in this topic. im not saying that an arguement every now and again isnt good or healthy for the community, it shows diversity in the topic, its good to get all the questions and answers publicized for all to read.

both of you have very valid input to the forums, many times has Sixeven corrected, added or answered questions that have been placed on the forums just as Horde has in his time, you both know your **** so why try and make one seem less significant by be-littling him to the community? by all means correct someone if they make a mistake, many times to i slip up and am corrected but no one gives me **** because i was wrong (which is greatly appreciated) and this goes to show that were all trying to HELP one another here.

all im saying is use the forums as they were intended. if you feel someone is giving you a hard time PM them to sort it out and keep the forums clean for everyone else.

Cheers, Tony.
cheers Tony, your 100% correct champ, I think were both on our own tangents here, and were both right, however due to us not being in the same shed at the same time, were prolly arguing differing points. Lets leave it at that.......

So sick of hearing ********.26mm Mikuni`s on a stock 125cc 4 stroke...haaaa.I get sick of explaining to these guys that it won`t work.It is only the proper gander,I know nothing but I can sprook a coupla fancy name crap that fills these guys heads with nonsense,
Sorry dude,not directed at you,just the idiots tellin you what`s what

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