Yup agree with motorman and Mv24. The Lxrs are amazing would never go back to a Non-linkage(Came from a motovert expert. I find the lxr so much nicer to ride although i am 6ft2 so its a great difference. But in saying that. There is nothing wrong with Braaaps other then the price is way to high. And also just because a bike has elka and egios doesnt mean there the best of the best. The lxr has a Dnm rear shock with adjustable compression and rebound then they have a micro adjuster. The elka from memory only has rebound and you adjust the compression via the pressure in the shock.
I Love the forks and rear shock on the lxr. They are awesome and feel amazing when you land from a massive jump. I have jumped 35-40ft on the lxr and landed perfect the suspension soaked up everything.