50 Stunters? or street

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o yeah the AGB-29 Pics......... Sand bike boy broke the back brake b-4 we got to the car park!!!! so i did'nt ride it.. carn't have injury's ATM
but we have some vid of him riding it that i'll post up tonight
awwwwwwww's u'r not fair i want him to look crap, payback 4 tha otha day
have any of you got glass in ure tire. I have thick Kenda Millvilles and i run over it and nothing happens
???~ HUH!?? WTF is that all about!??

Yo Hillz... on the last page (17) what is the yellow bike strapped into the Van with the two fiddys!?? one is on its side.... Old honda??
Ah sweet!!:D am so spewin i gave the old 125S away :( poor antichrist:(
yeh my old man turned a XL125S into 260cc great fun to race agaist the old CR125's & Huskys

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