8yo girl getting closlined

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VCM B Grade 2013 Champion
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
no fixed aboud

i would imagine you all have seen on the news about the 8yo girl getting nealy killed in hastings vic

i was listening to the radio today 3AW (yes i'm an old fogie)
and the subject came up so i thought i would make a call from a miniriders point of view

i said to niel mitchell that if it had of been a minibike rider it would have killed somone
he asked if i rode around there
i said no but i am a moderator of a forum miniriders and through there i know of a few people that ride in that area
then i said the only way you will stop people from riding in areas like this is for councils to build accomidating facilities for people to ride which there are none
niel asked how fast our bikes go and a couple of other questions and that was it

so i got my point across and plugged miniriders ha ha

i sugest the hastings boys will be finding a new spot ha

i wish the councils and government would heed this warning and do somthing about it

i would also like to find the pricks who put the wire up and have the crap beatem out of them
i might even get the SSK down there

OH~!! SPEWING i didnt work today! normally listen to 3aw to!! DANG!!

if only the 50s bro mag comp was still going could of plugged them to and had one of the best advertising ideas off here:D lol

reg getting clothes lined.. what exactly happened!??
Ive heard of idiots putting fishing wire and stuff up between tree's to stop dirt bikes... havnt heard about the 8yo girl.
an 8 year old girl was riding out of a park in hastings
she stood up to go through a gate where some prick had put up piano wire at neck height and it took her out
the police said some local prat had porposly put it up to injur minibike riders in the area

i would hate to see what would have happened if a bloke on a minibike had of hit it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some people have no brains

p.s you cats need to watch some news
pp.s nel mitchel and ernie pie in the sky rule i'm a avid listener when i'm in the car driving around between customers
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reminds me of the opening scene in the movie 'stone'.....
ive heard of stories like this.

one was when a guy was riding in a park with his missus on the back. he saw a wire strung across two trees at the last second and ducked but didnt have time to warn his girl.

if it was a true story i dont know but wouldnt it be manslaughter if it did happen.
It could be considered premeditated murder.

It is always a good practice to scope out your tracks slowly first. We ride in an area where *"greenies" are trying to clear out the riders (It is not illegal to ride there) They put up dangerous wires to stop people riding in certain areas, but put one cloth streamer on them so they can be seen. But we ride at night sometimes so we always just ride through the tracks slowly first. Surely if they are allowed to cordone it off they can put up a fence and not just a cable at head height.

*The greenies in this case are actually baby boomers who probably rode there when they were young but now live within a few Km's in their overpriced retirement homes and they can hear the bikes.
far out heard stories like this before. like unit said even ones in our area. its slack and i dont know how people pull themeselves into puttin up the wire. cant they think of the results? its stupidity. cant they chase us with a stick or something instead of using wire. hopefully they catch this guy who put it up and charge him with attempted man slaughter.

SSK crack down indeed.
ANYONE caught stringing wire, rope etc should be charged with mansluaghter regadless of wether or not they get someone. People have been killed because of these ******s
hi guys im from the rc world down in sunshine i think what the hastings ******* did was wrong that is to far . i do have to say this rent land in sunshine and we built our track the issue i bring to the table is while we r still waiting for a permit and stuff for a fence we actualy have a mini bike issue . a mini bike and a quad ripping up our track and it is an endless battle to keep it in a raceable condition .now i see what pushes someone to that extent we have estemated the cost to us in time and expences in the tens of thousands
all it takes is for a few organised guys to work with the council build a track and stay in the leagal side of things also listening to neal the girls mother did say she went in the direction to get out of the way of a motobike .so the girl did a rider a favor and as u guys r saying saved a life
yeh its frustrating but taking som1s head off doesnt solve anything just call the cops let them do there job
exactly. but mark my words Any idiot dumb anough to put a wire up on my turf is as good as well ... thats for me to know.
we called them twice sun no responce there is a reason for the cops to step in it is deamed as privite property as we lease it and they r causing unwanted damage i would rather the police than one of the guys who puts 10 hours in getting it right only to turn up 8 hrs later and the track is chopped up and a stack of palets has been set on fire

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