hi guys im from the rc world down in sunshine i think what the hastings ******* did was wrong that is to far . i do have to say this rent land in sunshine and we built our track the issue i bring to the table is while we r still waiting for a permit and stuff for a fence we actualy have a mini bike issue . a mini bike and a quad ripping up our track and it is an endless battle to keep it in a raceable condition .now i see what pushes someone to that extent we have estemated the cost to us in time and expences in the tens of thousands
all it takes is for a few organised guys to work with the council build a track and stay in the leagal side of things also listening to neal the girls mother did say she went in the direction to get out of the way of a motobike .so the girl did a rider a favor and as u guys r saying saved a life
Where i live, just up the road is a bmx track that i ride at every odd weekend (free of charge). Right across the road is a motorbike track where it is $200 per year plus a $100 levy which you get back when you do a "working bee" and a "track duty" plus $5 every time you ride there.
It also sucks how you have to get a LICENSE and rego. to go in the forests.
No one wants us to ride in parks/ bike tracks ect. which is fair enough, but it is impossible (otherwise expensive) to not.
It would be good if the government or someone build tracks with free public access like the bmx track i was talkin about.
the only way to get a pitbike track to go on free of charge is if anough people gather up dumanding it to make every1 think the goverment is getting lazy and the goverment will be forced to do as the rioter's say or risk humilyiation or a big unstable riot..
haha im inso...this weekend??
Yeah i've ride'n through Fishing wire hung between 2 trees, lucky i was standing up & i felt it break on my chest.... there are a heap of people out there that would love to see i rider get hurt... which makes them just as bad criminals that bash/stab people for no reason
who are the SSK a big gang or somthing???
yeah man you gotta watch out for the SSK the hang out with the ABC
look we started with 15 of us and as for tracks every where there is only 1 rc nitro off road track in melb thats ours . so all you have to do is create a club and go to councils you guys wouldnt evan ai see your point of view fella
and like you i would be fairly pissed off to
but unlike you guys
our sport doesn't get any support from the council or government where as there are heaps or public rc tracks and bmx tracks as well for that matter
but the peeps riding your track shouldn't but hae nowhere else to go
unless you have enough room there to build a minibike track the fence will be your only option
good luck we need it