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Active Member
Dec 1, 2007
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Sydney NSW
Hey guyz. I got a Ducar Powered 125cc Orion AGB 29... Any suggestions on upgrading ?? For performance mainly. I know there are alot of forums on this but most of them get sidetracked... lol

What the mountain said.

If you are wanting power well just upgrade to a 140. You may find that it will have the power that you were after.
if 300 is out of your limit then i suggest spending the money on fuel and repairs and simply learn how to ride your bike properly.
No amount of power will make up for a **** rider (not saying your **** but we can all get better)

other then that i'd probably just get a decent air filter (genuine unifilter) should cost $20-$30 and tune it a little to suit
I bought a K&N Air Filter. I havnt ridden the bike with it but have started it with it and you can here that it sucks much more so should easily give me more power.
yeah but if you just slap it on and ride you will most probably end up leaning out the mixture if it sucks air much more freely
Make sure u spray the filter with oil... and ALOT..... $2 cooking oil in a can does the trick.... dont bother spending $30+ on a can from the bike shop its a rort!

Mods: Get a inner rotor kit and oil slinger.
Make sure u spray the filter with oil... and ALOT..... $2 cooking oil in a can does the trick.... dont bother spending $30+ on a can from the bike shop its a rort!

Mods: Get a inner rotor kit and oil slinger.

be very careful with what "cooking oil" you use
there are some that will work and some that won't
you will want to apply a light even coat, if you drown the filter you will restrict the air flow and end up with a air / fuel / oil mix which you don't want
BTW...if you spray oil on a KN its toast!!..oil is only for foam
Master spoon is on the money is mountian....I've seen a 140 shoehorned in one ...Cranga did one on here but it's a bit of a mission.Don't know if i'd bother with the irk and oilslinger either ...sort of polishing a turd (no offence) but the Ducars don't handle it too well without a few mods like porting and a high comp piston etc etc that'll push you up to $300 easy ...if ya do it right ...if ya don't it won't run for long.
Anyway here's some other mods for em I think are important
SUSPENSION ....even the top level,high end suspension coming outta china have **** oil...first thing too change, the rebound will be shot in ya forks in a month if ya don't.
AXLES.....ya got 12mm axles which bend at the slightest hint of abuse so ya need to upgrade to 15mm if ya wanna jump it.
Crankin has had his out to 50 off a freestyle ramp..but he has a BIG downey and mad skills...but yeah he made these mods first.
Do you think i should get a new sprocket for more top end? Becaause that all im looking for... What else can i get done for top end?
depends on your engine layout. go up to the 55mm piston and head kit??

if u got the dosh, pit pro sell them for the lifan motors with the same stud pattern
woops didnt read first page...ducar 125, thiers not much u can really do to them that wont result in long term wear on your motor, shortening its already short life
thats fine really..i dont give a rats ass about the engines life.. when i find a good deal for a lifan im going to grab yea..what sprocket to you suggest for more top end?

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