Air Filter Cover??

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just use air filter oil, cover ya filter and it's good 2 go, now much can get through these foam filters with foam air filter oil.
john_madeley said:
Hustle.. your gay. and yeah i live in small town i might have a look when i go 2 city.. can u find me a pic or a site where i can order 1 online? thanks

Call me gay again you little prick and you'll regret it.

Ever heard of air filter oil. Put it on it.

And put some in your foul mouth while your there.
use the stockings the oil stops the water entering and the stockings stop the mud covering filter unravel tape and throw in bin after each ride suprise ur self it does work.
john_madeley said:
dont be a pig. when i ride in mud and stuff i dont want it geting through the air filter... so i ment something 2 put around it so u can still drive? or is that wat it is? and yes i'm new 2 thumpstars/pittys and i'm still young:( :(
u wouldnt want 2 assult any more people if u wanted 2 stay in this forum.
just a warning.
Dirt Bikez & Pocket B said:
u wouldnt want 2 assult any more people if u wanted 2 stay in this forum.
just a warning.

yeah lol sorry i was geting mad at ppl flaming me...........................................:( thanks for the stocking ideah i'll try it man, thanks
hustle said:
Call me gay again you little prick and you'll regret it.

Ever heard of air filter oil. Put it on it.

And put some in your foul mouth while your there.
lol dont get all serious man its just a forum,:confused: :confused: :confused: sorry
Hey buddy..
You can get ATV filteres to suit the 25mm carbs.
The difference is insted of having a pod style filter on the end like most pittys its got a small air box with the filter in side.And an intake pipe for air that you can direct higher just under the seat.

We have done this conversion for a few people that ride heavy mud and sand..

Horses for courses and there is a solution...

Guys come on we are all friends lets not get serious ........:)
illusivedreams said:
Hey buddy..
You can get ATV filteres to suit the 25mm carbs.
The difference is insted of having a pod style filter on the end like most pittys its got a small air box with the filter in side.And an intake pipe for air that you can direct higher just under the seat.

We have done this conversion for a few people that ride heavy mud and sand..

Horses for courses and there is a solution...

Guys come on we are all friends lets not get serious ........:)
thanks, i'm doing a trial run with the stocking this afternoon if that don;t work 2 bad i'll get 1 of those.. thanx
They stocking was ok but it kinda just went **** lol it didnt help much really, i wonder if u can get heavy duty stockings LOL! can some1 post a direct link on where u can buy the other sort of air filter? my bike is a thumpstar 125cc hunge25 um it is stock, thanks..
john_madeley said:
They stocking was ok but it kinda just went **** lol it didnt help much really, i wonder if u can get heavy duty stockings LOL! can some1 post a direct link on where u can buy the other sort of air filter? my bike is a thumpstar 125cc hunge25 um it is stock, thanks..
you dont need anything, just buy some shell foam air filer oil, put it on the filter and be done with it, stops everything getting through. i really think your fussin over such a small issue.
hmm yes but can some body still post a link to the other one still, i wanna check it out:confused: :confused:
Finally I got a picture.
Im sorry it took so long I was out of the warehouse...

Please note Its a bitch to fit to anything above 24mm....You could but it would take time as you would have to heat up the end of the hose so it would strech on...
But this is by far the best system I have seen for mud lovers :)


Thats an interesting little airbox ya got there. I've been thinking about this for a while myself. I have put a straighter & longer manifold on and my idea was to hide a little airbox in between the engine mount brackets on the frame out of all the muck. That flexible line could be shortened right up and like you say stretched on with a little heat. Whats the width of that filter box and does it have a good seal?
Ps not shown in the picture is also a clamp which locks the hose onto the intake of the carby...

This system would work on most bikes up- to 125cc although anything more could become restrictive..

It can be tucked right under the seat.Depending on which way your carby is facing forward or back..

$29 for the lot...Its a steel i think

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