michelin man
Well-Known Member
nice looking bike u got there mate, good mods too.
Yes Supa cheap usually have a rack full of them. Most auto parts stores will let you have a look at the ones they have in stock but I hate talking to people in auto part stores.
man how clean is your bike man, it looks like brand new lolz,
How about a bit of radiator hose. A template with some wire or crushed up foil (and masking tape) and a trip to Supa Cheap where you can rumage thru a big pile until you find one that is close (you may need to trim it to just get the bend you need).
do you find that the air filter can get alot of dirt and much spinning into it from the rear wheel? or is it sealed nicely so that doesnt happen??
The fit up looks pretty neat (almost like a stock item) hopefully it wont be too painfull to clean your filter now.
top job mate.
radiator hose was the best idea. (i forget who came up with it)
as for people who want to make a quick cover to protect the airfilter from water splash/spray: