However when I hose the dust off my bike after riding I squirt away at just about everything,I avoid the air filter as much as possible but still ends up wringing wet.I still never have any problems with water getting in that I'm aware of.
I have a "snorkle mk2" project in the works. My mk1 snorkle (45mm ID) was too small. It choked the air flow. Way too small. So I have the parts for the mk2 now.
* 62mm ID air ducting tube.
* Home made adapter to fit to carb inlet (smooth progression).
* 60mm ID unifilter POD for the other end (under seat).
* Some leaner main jets to try.
my mk2 snorkle is a corrugated duct. I shall post pics when I can.with your snorkel how about corrugated conduit?
With your first snorkle hose di you have ny ai entrys to help pressurize he air box? Maybe why you were running rich. If you had a couple of slots in the side number plates it might get some fresh air to fed the air box?
Just a thought
Yes, my mk2 is way way better. This one works. Zero power loss. Even with the big cam, this engine breaths well. The older mk1 snorkle (which only saw daylight once) with smoother but smaller tube and harder bends, caused huge restriction at 60% or wider throttle open. eg. I have the K102 main jet in the OKO26 at present. With the smaller duct I had a K95 (custom drilled) but still a tad rich. It seems obvious now that the corrugated surface (inside as well) causes no resistance. I believe the key factor is the size (volume of air to feed the carb upon inlet valve open) and gentle bend of the this better then your other one you made in anyway...???
Keeping it clean is easy. I have a pressure washer. I use CT18 truck wash. I INOX oil all metal parts after washing - so no corrosion and also any muck comes off real easy after the next ride. With a clean bike it is heaps easy to see problems and fix them before they get bad.You keep your bike clean. Old one looked better but who cares.
Thanks Ken. When we do meet up and swap rides, I think you'll be impressed. It goes a lot better than it looks. That's on straights, woops, berms, ruts and jumps. On short take off jumps now with the A1 cam it's just unreal. Clutch upgrade next, and a better front tyre.Great job Numroe. Lot of thought gone into that setup. We'll get that ride day sorted soon. Cheers, Ken